EZ 2000 Manual - Sesame

Bridge - Sesame

*** WARNING This bridge can only be run from 32-bit operating systems, due to the recent changes made to Windows ODBC connections for 64-bit operating systems.


This bridge is currently geared for EZ 2000 Version 1.0.  Download: SesameBridge.zip. Date Posted: 05/17/2012.
Unzip the four files to C:EZ Sesame Bridge

config.xml - This file contains the connection information for an EZ Dental database so that the EZ Sesame Bridge tool knows which database to pull information from.
Empty Schema File.mdb - An empty Microsoft Access database containing only table structure which is used by EZ Sesame Bridge to create a fresh export database each time it is run.
mysql.data.dll - Necessary for connecting to the EZ2000 Plus Dental MySQL database.
ODSesameBridge.exe - The file to launch in order to begin exporting data to Sesame. After this file is run, the program will show a very small window:

The export can be cancelled part way through by clicking the cancel button. When the export is complete, the window will automatically close. Depending on the size of the EZ database, the export process can take tens of minutes. Once the extractor has finished running successfully, a new file named EZSesameExport.mdb will be created in the same directory as the EZSesameBridge.exe file and will contain the export data to be imported into Sesame. Each time this tool is run, the old EZSesameExport.mdb file will be replaced.

One approach to automation would be to use the Windows scheduler to run EZSesameBridge.exe at certain times.  Sesame can provide input on when and how often it should be run.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033