Canada - Insurance Plans

The Insurance Plan Edit window looks slightly different in Canada than it does for other countries.  The key difference is terminology; all insurance plan fields are in the same place for all countries.  The screen shot below shows how the window looks for Canadian offices.

Scroll to the bottom of the Insurance Plan Information section on the left and there will be a Canadian section.

Dentaide Card Sequence is where you enter the mandatory two digit value for Dentaide. Plan Flag is where you can indicate one of three kinds of Provincial Medical Plans. A=Newfoundland MCP Plan. V=Veteran's Affairs Plan. N=NIHB.  It is usually left blank.  Diagnostic and Institution codes are only required if Plan Flag is set to 'A'.

Request Electronic Benefits
To request electronic benefit information from the insurance carrier, click Request in the middle of the window. The request will be sent to the Clearinghouse that is set as the default.


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