Canadian Enhancements 

EZ2000 Plus Dental works well in Canadian offices.  It includes full CDAnet certification and there are extensive enhancements specific to Canadian customers. EZ2000 plus Dental did, however, start out as software optimized for United States customers.  We have not yet had a chance to clean out all the clutter and fully enhance it to be the seamless experience that it should be.  That's why we charge less for the Canadian version.

This page is our attempt to identify all the areas where minor improvements still need to be made before the Canadian version of EZ2000 Plus Dental can be considered to be of the same high quality as the USA version. This list was started on 11/9/2012.  It will probably take a few months to get all the annoyances onto this list. But we cannot estimate when or if they will be fixed.  We're only going to put items on this list which are substantially inferior in the Canadian version compared to the USA version.  So we hope that we can fix them quickly, but there are no guarantees.

Lab Fees: This was enhanced to show inside the actual procedure edit window in version 12.4. The next enhancement will be to have a place in the procedure code edit window to specify which lab fee to use.  There would be a series of about 100 different dummy lab fee codes, each with a different suffix and description.  These would be attached to procedurecodes, so that when you add procedures, a lab fee code would also get added, along with its fee.

Procedure Code Tools: Procedure Code Tools to automatically load procedure buttons, and appt quick add buttons.  Currently, these things might need to be set up from scratch.

Fee Schedules: Fee guides are published by each province.  See Canada - Fee Schedules.

Carrier Details: Updating Carrier details should not require running the Db Maint tool.  Maybe a button within the Carrier Edit window, or semiautomated.

Production and Payment Reports:  Ability to isolate lab fees.

Any user who has more items to add to this list, or who would like to provide input, is encouraged to contact us.  Our technicians can take your requests for inclusion on this page.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033