EZ 2000 Manual - Claimstream


CDAnet certified claims can be sent in Canada to Alberta Blue Cross over high speed internet using the Claimstream clearinghouse developed by Harder Software Ltd. Support for Claimstream was added in version 12.4.22. Claimstream is a free service.

The ITRANS clearinghouse can also be used to send eclaims to Alberta Blue Cross, however ITRANS requires the claims to be sent over dial up modem.

E-claims Clearinghouse
Install Claimstream (see below) before setting up the clearinghouse.  Use the following settings to setup the Claimstream Clearinghouse.

The ccd folder on the network must be shared, and the everyone user should have full control under the permission section and security section. 

Install Claimstream
Log in to your claim server as the root administrator account. Install CCDWS:


Click Next.

Check the "I accept the terms of the license agreement" checkbox and click Next.

Click Next.

Ensure that the "Complete" radio button is checked, then click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Yes.

Change the last line of the file from "CertificateFile=ClaimstreamVendorCertificate.pem" to "CertificateFile=OPENDENTAL.pem".

Save the changes and close the file.

Click Finish.