EZ 2000 Manual - Command Line Arguments


Command-line Arguments

The following command-line arguments are allowed. Quotes around the information are required if there are any spaces, otherwise optional.  Order is unimportant.

PatNum: This is the primary key, the patient internal patient id.  It is visible to users, but cannot be changed.  Passing in this parameter causes the current patient in EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software to change.  If the PatNum passed in cannot be found, then the current patient is cleared from the EZ 2000 screen. When this parameter is used for eCW, it is both the internal ID for eCW and the external ID for EZ 2000.

ChartNumber:  Causes the current patient to change.  If a PatNum is passed in, then this is ignored.

SSN: Causes the current patient to change.  If a PatNum or ChartNumber is passed in, then this is ignored.

UserName: The EZ 2000 Dental user that is logging in.  Capitalization must match.  This is usually used in combination with OdPassword.  If the username and password do not match, then the Log On window will be displayed as usual. When this argument is used for eCW with tight integration, the PassHash is used instead of the OdPassword.  In that case, if the user does not exist, then a user with the specified UserName and PassHash will be created.  The new user will have the permissions of the default user group set in the eCW setup window.  If the username does exist, but the password does not match, then the user will be presented with the login screen in EZ 2000.  After the user logs in with their old password, they will need to change their password in EZ2000 to their new one.

PassHash: This argument only works if the eCW bridge is turned on in tight integration mode; it is not functional for regular customers not using the eCW bridge.  If both UserName and PassHash are passed in, then the current user in EZ 2000 will change.  It is the MD5 hash of the user password, base-16 encoded.  The PassHash is the hash of the password as it is stored in the eCW database.  eCW and EZ 2000 use slightly different encodings for storing the password hash.  eCW hashes the ASCII text and encodes it as base-16.  EZ 2000 hashes the Unicode text and encodes it as base 64 text.  In order to allow simple bridging, if the eCW bridge is turned on, then EZ 2000 will change its behavior to store passwords in a manner identical to eCW.  That way, the hashed passwords will always exactly match in both databases.   If the eCW bridge is turned off, none of the existing passwords will work.  And if a user turns on the eCW bridge, the existing passwords will also stop working.  So before turning on the bridge, you must make sure that the admin password in EZ 2000 is blank.  After the bridge is turned on, then you may set a password.

UserId: Only used with eCW, it's the primary key for the user in eCW.

AptNum:  Corresponds to the visit Id in eCW.

EcwConfigPath: Path to the eCW Configuration.xml file.

The following arguments are available starting in version 12.0.  They are used by the Central Management tool, and can also be used in shortcuts to quickly launch connections that bypass the Choose Database window.

WebServiceUri: The URI to the Middle Tier.

WebServiceIsEcw: If not using eCW, omit this argument.  If using eCW, specify "True".

OdPassword: The EZ 2000 Plus Dental password for the specified UserName.  The Log On window will be skipped.  Used in conjunction with the UserName argument above.

ServerName: For a direct db connection.  Can be name or ip address.

DatabaseName:  For a direct db connection.

MySqlUser:  For a direct db connection.  Typically "root".

MySqlPassword:  For a direct db connection.  Typically blank.  Can be omitted if blank.