Using Data in Other Programs  

EZ2000 Plus dental Lets you use the data in your system in a number of ways.


You can Export a report or a query as a text file or as an Excel spreadsheet file.

Letter Merge

You can use our built-in Letter Merge features, or you can create your own letter merges from data you already exported.

ODBC Connection

ODBC connects you real-time to the raw data. This would be very advanced. You might use this from Access for very customized reports combining data from multiple tables. is the open source alternative to Microsoft Office. It includes a word processor and a spreadsheet as well as other tools. We have found it to be an acceptable alternative. If you want to have a copy on every computer, you will find the cost saving substantial over Microsoft. The following sections address using data in OpenOffice either from a text file or through an ODBC connection: Form Letter, Spreadsheet


See Mail Merge in Word and Excel Spreadsheet


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033