EZ 2000 Manual - eRx Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks

eRx Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks 


Allergy & Severe/Contraindicated Interactions
When you search for, then select a drug in eRx, the system automatically checks for allergy and contraindicated/most severe interactions. The alert looks like this:

To cancel the order of a medication that has triggered an interaction alert:
1. Close the alert.  The medication will still be "pending".
2. Click Cancel in the middle of the screen.
3. The medication will still be listed in the Pending Rx area.  Click [X] to delete it.

All Interactions
If the system is set to check for all interactions, regardless of severity level, a summary of all interactions (drug-drug, drug-allergy, drug-disease) will show on the Review page.  Click More Info to view complete information on a potential interaction.
- Contraindicated appears in red and indicates a predictably severe consequence of concurrent use of two drugs.
- Severe appears in yellow and indicates action may be required to reduce the risk of adverse reaction.
- Moderate appears in yellow and generally indicates a need to adjust medications.