EZ 2000 Manual - Fee Schedule Tools

Fee Schedule Tools  

Fee schedule tools can be used fpr various functions such as import or export fees, copy fee schedules, increase fees, and apply global updates to patients.  Tools only apply to the Fee Schedule selected on the Procedure Codes window. 

On the Procedure Codes window, select a fee schedule, then click Fee Tools.

Clear:  Erase all fees in the fee schedule. A confirmation message will show.

Copy:  Copy fees from another fee schedule into the current fee schedule.  Click the dropdown and select the fee schedule to copy.  Click Copy to replace all fees in the current fee schedule with those in the selected fee schedule.  A confirmation message will show.

Export:  Export fees to a .txt. file.  Procedure descriptions will not be included.  You can rename the file to an .xls so it opens as a spreadsheet in Excel.  The default export path is defined in Data Paths.  There are two columns in the file, codes and fees, which are separated by tabs. 

Import:  Import fees into the current fee schedule.  The file must be a tab delimited file and in the correct format.  We recommend exporting a fee schedule (see above) to see an example of the file format.  The first two columns of the imported file (code and fee, separated by tab) must look the same.  If you try to import fees into a schedule that already has fees, you will receive a warning message:

Import eCW:  Fee import requirements are very specific.  

Increase by %: Incrementally increase all fees in the selected fee schedule by a percentage.  A typical scenario is that you want to increase your fees by 5%.

First, create a backup copy of your current fee schedule in case something goes wrong:
1. Add a new Fee Schedule named temp.
2. On the Procedure Codes window, highlight temp in the View Fee Sched list. All fees will be blank.
3. Click Fee Tools.
4. In the Copy area, click the dropdown and select the fee schedule that you want to increase. Click Copy. This will create a backup of your current fees.

Then, increase the fees.
1. On the Procedure Codes window, highlight the fee schedule you want to increase.
2. Click Fee Tools.
3. Enter the percentage to increase the fees in the Increase by % (e.g. 5).  To decrease fee amounts, enter a negative value.
4. Select the rounding method. We recommend rounding to the nearest $1.
5. Click Increase.  A message will show warning that all current fees in the schedule will be overwritten.  Click OK to apply the fee increases.
6. If nothing went wrong, in Fee Schedule Setup, hide the temp fee schedule.

Global Update Fees:  Click Update to apply any fee changes to patient Treatment Plans.  Only the fee will be updated, not insurance estimates.  This is similar to clicking Update Fees on each patient's Treatment Plan, but it's not quite as comprehensive because insurance estimates are not updated.  A message will show to confirm the update. 

Update estimates in the Treatment Plan module, or automatically when creating a Claim.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033