




Preauthorizations are created and managed from the Treatment Plan module.  A preauthorization is very similar to an insurance claim, except that when it is sent, the date of service is left blank. The insurance company reviews the procedures sent and decides whether they are covered under the patient's contract. They will send back a form with an estimate of how much will be covered for each procedure.

Create a New Preauthorization
1.  In the Treatment Plan module, highlight one or more procedures by pressing Ctrl while clicking. 
2.  In the toolbar, click PreAuthorization.
3.  Select the Insurance Plan, and relationship to Subscriber.
4.  On the Edit Claim window, click OK.
5.  Print or send the preauthorization electronically from the Claim Send window.

Manage Preauthorizations
Preauthorizations for a patient are listed in the top right of the Treatment Plan module. When you click on a preauthorization, all procedures attached to that preauthorization will highlight for easy viewing.  Double click to view or edit on the Edit Claim window.

Other Coverage:  Set other coverage (e.g. secondary coverage) after you create the preauthorization. Open the preauthorization, then at the top of the Claim Edit window, click Change next to Other Coverage.  This option can also be used to set primary coverage if this is a preauthorization to a secondary insurance plan.

When the preauthorization comes back from the insurance company: Double click on the preauthorization, then click By Procedure in the upper right.

Estimate:  Click in the cell to enter the amount.

Remarks:  For reference, enter the preauthorization number sent by the insurance company and any remarks. When you create the final claim on the Edit Claim window, you will need to enter the number from the preauth note in the Predeterm Benefits field.

The estimates will flow into the patient's treatment plan estimates.