Query Favorites


Query Favorites 

Some SQL queries can be complex, so you can save as many queries as you want in a favorites list and the formula will be there. Typically, when you open the query / table viewer, you would click on the favorites button at the top to bring up the following window:

The program comes with a premade query for each table in the database, as well as plenty of extra useful queries. It is very easy to add queries later and a wide variety will be posted on this website. To use a query on the list, click once on the item, and click OK. The query will be run automatically.

To add a new query, either click on the New button in the above window, or click on the 'Add to Favorites' button in the main query window. To edit an existing favorite query, double click on the item in the list. In all cases you will be editing in the following window:

The query may be long and you can start new lines wherever needed for clarity. You would typically need to edit your query on the main page, test it, and after any necessary changes are made, highlight, rightclick, copy. Then return to this window and right click, paste the successful query. There is not an update button in the main window, because it would be very easy for someone to accidently hit that button and alter a query that you worked very hard on. Since queries are not changed very often, the only way to update a query is to copy and paste, or type it in manually.

The export file name at the bottom of the window is name the file typically gets saved as when exporting. It can be changed at the actual time of the export. Once you are done editing your query, click OK, and you return to the list of favorites.


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