Quick Paste Notes


Quick Paste Notes  

Quick Paste Notes are templates for frequently used notes. For example if the same language is wrtitten for a particular procedure a template can be created. eg: PFM prep & imp. Once templates are created, notes can be quickly added in designated Text Boxes throughout the program.

Right click on a text box that supports quick paste notes, then click Insert Quick Note.

From here you can insert, organize, add, edit, and delete note templates.  Categories are a useful for grouping similar types of notes together.  Click on a category and its notes will appear on the right.  Double click on a note to insert it.

Categories can be reordered, renamed, added, edited, or deleted without causing any problems. To move categories up and down in the list, click the up/down arrows below the Category list. Click Add to add a new category, or double click a category to edit.

Description: Enter the category name.

Default for Types: Type refers to specific places in the program where Text Boxes support quick paste notes.  A category can be set as the default option for one type or for many. For instance, a Medical category can be set as the default for MedicalSummary, MedicalHistory, and MedicalUrgent.  Then, when you select 'Insert Quick Note'  in one of those text boxes, Medical notes are the default option. To select multiple types, press the Ctrl key and click on the types in the list. 

A given type should only be assigned to one category.  If a type is assigned to more than one category, then the default category that will be used will be the one higher in the list of Categories.

When you select a category, its quick paste notes appear on the right side of the screen. Each line represents one note, and the note abbreviation and full text show.  You can easily reorder, rename, edit, or delete notes without causing any problems. To move notes up and down in the list, click the up/down arrows below the Notes list. Click Add to add a new note. To edit a note, select it, then click Edit (double clicking will insert the note).

Abbreviation: Enter a short abbreviation that can be used as a shortcut to insert the note faster. Then, instead of right clicking, inserting and selecting the note, you just need to type ? followed by the abbreviation (?di). Immediately the full note text (Diabetes) will replace the abbreviation. This is useful for longer notes and for notes that you use often.

Note: Enter the full note text. There is no limit to note size and it can span multiple lines.


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