Patient Allergy List

A patient's allergies are listed in the middle left of the Medical window.

Every time you add, edit or remove a patient allergy, an entry is made in the Audit Trail.

Add or Edit an Allergy
Click Add Allergy, or double click an existing allergy to edit.

Allergy:  Select the allergy.  All available options are those set up in the Allergy Master List

Snomed CT Reaction:  For EHR only.  Click [...] to select a SNOMED CT code. Click None to clear the box.  This information is sent in the .xml of a Continuity of Care document (CCD).

Reaction Description:  Enter the allergic reaction (optional). 

Date Adverse Reaction:  Enter the date of the reaction (optional).

Is Active: By default the box is checked.  To mark an allergy inactive, uncheck the box. 


  EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software  (800) 273-5033