EZ 2000 Manual - Audit Trail

Audit Trail

The audit trail is a log of all actions taken by users.  Only users with Security admin rights can view the audit trail.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Audit Trail.

Actions are listed by date/time, with the most recent change at the end of the list.  Some security Permissions are tracked, some are not. When anything is printed or copied within EZ2000 Plus, a log entry is added.  Audit trail entries are never changed within EZ2000 Plus, and should never be changed outside of EZ2000 Plus.

Integrity of Data: EZ2000 plus checks to verify the integrity of the audit trail data. 
- Black log entries indicate "trusted" entries; meaning EZ2000 Plus has checked and no changes have been made to the log entry since it was created. 
- Red log entries indicate "non-trusted" entries, meaning this log entry failed the check to prove the entry is unchanged.  This means the entry was changed outside of EZ2000 plus to something different than the original entry.  Red entries are not made by EZ2000 Plus, and it is possible they are malicious or not legitimate. When you update to version 14.1, all log entries prior to the update date will be red, because the entries have not been checked. 

The following information is available for each logged action. 
  - Date and Time
  - Patient accessed or affected
  - Logged in User
  - The Permission name
  - The computer on which the action was taken
  - Log text: Additional information about the action taken

Filtering Options 
  - From/To date:  Show logs for a a specific date range.  If you change the dates, click Refresh to update the list
  - Permission: Show logs for a specific Permission.
  - User:  Show logs made by a specific logged-on user.
  - Patient: Only show entries for a single patient.
       Current:  Show entries for the currently selected patient (the patient that was selected before you opened the audit trail).
       Find:  Select a Patient.
       All:  Eliminate patient as a filter so that all entries show.

Click Print to print the audit trail to the default printer.

There is also a simpler audit trail available in the Appointment Edit window which everyone has access to.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033