Selecting Patients  

In EZ2000 Plus Dental, there is always one current patient. That patient is shown at the very top in the title bar. Moving between modules does not change the current patient.  One way to change the current patient is to click the Select Patient button in the main Toolbar.   This is also the first step in adding new Patients and Adding New Families

This represents a list of patients entered into EZ2000 Plus Dental, sorted alphabetically.  Only one page displays at once.  To display all pages, and activate the vertical scrollbar, click Get All and a masterlist will appear.

Each patient shows in a row and you may need to use the horizontal scrollbar to view all associated information.  To change which information shows in the grid, see Display Fields.

To narrow the list, enter filtering criteria in the Search by area. 
Refresh by typing:  If this box is checked, as you type criteria, the patient list will sort. If this box is unchecked, enter the criteria, then click Search to filter the list.

Select a Patient
To select a different patient, double click on their row, or highlight their row and click OK or press Enter.  The patient name will appear in the title bar, and their record will open in whatever module you began in.

Another way to select a patient is by clicking the Select Patient dropdown arrow in the main Toolbar

The last five patients selected will show, as well as all family members associated with the current patient.  Click on a name to select.

Others ways to change the current patient:
- Click on a different family member in the Family module or the Account module.
- In the Appointments module, click on any appointment. then change to a different module to work with that patient's information.

Adding a New Patient/Family
If this is a new patient or family, you can quickly add them. To prevent duplicate records, you must first search for the patient or family by entering at least a last name. If a record doesn't already exist, you can add them.

Add Pt:  Click to add a single patient and open the Edit Patient Information window.
Add Family:  Click to add multiple members of one family at once.  See Add Family.

To add a new family member to an existing family, see the Family module.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033