EZ 2000 Manual - Display Fields

Display Fields  

This feature lets you customize which fields (usually grid columns) show in various windows. It currently applies to Select Patient, patient information in the Family module, patient information in the Chart module, patient account information in the Account module, Recall List, Procedure Group Notes, procedures in the Treatment Plan module, and the Ortho Chart.  It also applies to Chart module progress notes, accessed through the Chart Views interface. This feature is seldom used because EZ2000 Plus has pre-set the fields.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Display Fields.

Double click on a category.

To move fields, use the arrows in the middle of the window.

Set to Default:  Return all Fields Showing to the default.  This will remove any fields that have been added.

Available Fields:  A list of fields that can be added to the category.

Fields  Showing:  All fields currently showing in the category. To reorder the fields, click the up/down arrows.  Double click on a field to change its properties.

  - Internal Name: The name of the field in EZ2000 Plus Dental code.  This value cannot be changed.
  - New Description:  Enter the label that will identify this field. 
  - Minimum Width:  A fixed minimum column width based on the New Description length. 
  - Column Width:  Change the maximum width of the column.  This is designed to allow the Language translation feature to work better when foreign words are longer.

We continue to expand this feature by adding more grid types and more column fields.  If there are other grids or fields that you are interested in, please submit a Feature Request.  Request for additional fields usually get implemented quickly.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033