EZ 2000 Manual - Feature Requests

Feature Requests 

In the Main Menu, click Help, Request Features.

The list will be show no information until you click the Search button.

Feature Request List

The list of feature requests is actually much longer than a screenshot can capture.  Just because a feature is at the top DOES NOT mean it will be the next feature to be implemented.

Double click on a feature to edit, or Add your own feature request after making sure it would not be a duplicate.

Feature Request

All added feature requests start out with an Approval of "New" (towards the upper left).  New features cannot yet be voted on.   Once you add a feature request, you have to wait for us to review it.  Then, you will notice the status change to either "Approved" or to some denial status like "Redundant" or "NeedsClarification".  If you see one of the denial statuses, then you will need to take action on it because it will still not be visible to anyone else yet.  You could delete your request or you could make changes to it and click the Resubmit button above the approval line.  This will set the status back to new, prompting us to review it again.

Once a request gets approved, everyone may start voting on it.  You have 100 points to spread among feature requests however you wish. You'll never lose your points, so allocate them liberally.  Once a feature is complete, any vote you spent on it will again be available for you to reuse.  If you consider a feature critical, you may mark it critical.  But you can only mark a maximum of two features critical. You can also make a monetary pledge on a feature request.  You may change your pledge at any time, but if we start working on that feature, the pledge gets locked and cannot be changed.

Weight is a number calculated based on the values in other fields.  The formula for computing the weight may change from time to time.  Its purpose is to help prioritize the list based on the number of votes and the difficulty level. Those with higher weights will show first in the list, and this helps us to place higher priority on those features.

Urgent Requests

If you have an urgent request, the feature request system is still the best way to handle it.  Learn to use this system to your advantage:
1. Vote for your request.
2. Mark it critical
3. Put a little bit of money on the request as a pledge.
4. Use the discussion forum to promote your feature and get other interested in voting for it.

The purpose of this process is to build consensus between many EZ2000 Plus Dental users.  It would be unrealistic for a single office to pay the thousands of dollars that it really costs to add a new feature. This voting process takes time.  Even when a feature gets to the very top, it can take us many months to implement it. We cannot give any estimates on when a certain feature request might be added, if ever. We have hundreds of urgent requests, and this is the best system we have been able to build to help prioritize them.



EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033