Main Menu 

The main menu lets you perform tasks that are not usually related to a single patient but rather the practice as a whole and which are needed from multiple modules.

Log Off is the first menu item. See the Security section for information on how to setup users for log on and log off.

In the File menu, you can access the Security Password, Printer setup, Graphics, and Choose Database

In the Setup menu, you can set up Appointment Field Defs, Appointment Rules, Appointment Views, Auto Codes, Auto Notes, Claim Forms, Clearinghouses, Computers, Data Paths, Definitions, Display Fields, E-mail Setup, EHR Setup, Fee Schedules, HL7, Imaging Setup, Insurance Categories, Insurance Filing Codes, Laboratories, Letters, Messaging, Messaging Buttons, Misc Setup, Modules, Operatories, Patient Field Defs, Payer IDs, Practice, Problems, Procedure Buttons, Program Links, Questionnaire, Recall, Recall Types, Replication, Requirements Needed, Schedules, Security, Sheets, Show Features, Spell Check and Time Cards.

Lists include Procedure Codes, Clinics, Contacts, Counties, Dental School Classes and Courses, Employees, Employers, Insurance Carriers, Insurance Plans, Lab Cases, Medications, Pharmacies, Providers, Prescriptions, Referrals, Sites, and ZipCodes.

The Reports menu item now directly opens the Reports window instead of using dropdown menus.

Tools include the Print Screen Tool, Misc Tools (Clear Duplicate Blockouts, Create A to Z Folder, Import Patient XML, Merge Patients, Procedure Lock Tool, Shutdown Workstations, Telephone Numbers, and Test Latency), Aging, Audit Trail, Billing/Finance Charges, CC Recurring Charges, Database Maintenance, Kiosk, Kiosk Manager, Mobile Synch, Public Health Screening, Repeating Charges, Student Requirements, WebForms, and Wiki.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033