Show Features


Show Features  

Use Show Features to hide/unhide some of the more complex features of EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software. It is useful for the following scenarios:
- For training: show basic items at first, then turn on features as needed.
- Only show features that your office uses.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Show Features. 

Check a feature to turn it on. Uncheck a feature to turn it off.

Capitation: Show Capitation as an insurance type option on the Edit Insurance Plan window.

- Show the Medicaid ID field on the Patient Edit window.
- Show the BillingType1 and BillingType2 fields on the Procedure Edit window, Misc tab. BillingType fields can then be manually set per procedure in order to flag procedures for inclusion in custom reports.
- Show Use Alternate Code checkbox on the Edit Insurance Plan window.

Public Health: Turn on Public Health features.

Dental Schools: Turn on Dental School features.

Hospitals: Show 'Print Day for Hospital' option when you right click on the Progress Notes in the Chart module. This option will print only completed procedures, a photo of the patient (if available), and a signature line at the bottom for the staff to sign. This printout is intended to go in the physical chart.

All Insurance: Show insurance information in Family module, and insurance estimates in the Treatment Plan module.

Clinical (computers in operatories):  When unchecked, the Chart module toolbar button changes to Procs, only procedures can be entered for billing, and patient, medical, and diagnosis/prognosis information is hidden.

Basic Modules Only: Only show the Appointments, Family, Account, and Chart modules in the toolbar.

Clinics: Turn on Clinics features.

Repeating Charges: Turn on Repeating Charges.

Medical Insurance: Turn on Medical Insurance features.

EHR: Turn on EHR features.

Super Families: Turn on Superfamily features.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033