Super Families


Super Families 

The Super Families feature can be used to group patients that are related in some way, not necessarily blood relations.  For example, a super family could consist of all patients in a particular nursing home, a split family due to divorce, or members of an athletic team getting mouthguards.  Billing is not affected by super family relationships; they are for informational purposes only.  Each patient is still billed separately.

To use this feature, turn on Super Families in Show Features.  Additional Super Family buttons will show in the Family module toolbar.

Create a Super Family
In the Family module toolbar, click SuperFamily: Add.  The first time you click it, all current family members will list in a new Super Family section. After that, each time you click Super Family: Add, you can select any other current patient. 

When you add a patient to a super family, all members of the family will list.  The family in red text is the "head" of the superfamily.  To quickly switch between patient records, click on a name.

Remove a Patient
To remove a patient from a super family, click on their name, then click Remove. The screen will switch to the removed patient's record.

Disband a Super Family
Disbanding a super family removes the relationship between all members of super family. A confirmation message will show to verify the removal.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-2273-5033