Family Module  

Add a New Patient
Add a New Family
   Super Families
Patient Information
Insurance Plans
    Plan List

The Family Module is where basic patient and insurance information is entered and organized. All useful information, including percentages, is on one screen.

Family Toolbar
Family Members
  - Add:  Add a new patient to the currently selected family.  The Edit Patient Information window will open. 
  - Delete:  Remove a patient from the family. 
  - Set Guarantor: Make the selected patient the Guarantor (see below).
  - Move: Move the selected patient to a new family, or to a different existing family.

Super Family: These buttons are only available when Super Families is turned on in Show Features.
  - Add: Create a super family, or add a patient to a super family.
  - Remove: Remove the selected patient from the super family.
  - Disband: Remove the relationship between all members of the super family.

Add Insurance:  Add Insurance Plan information.
  - Plans For Family: View the family's insurance plans (see Plans For Family below).

To create a new family, click Select Patient and click Add Many.  To merge duplicate patients, see Patient Merge.

Patient Picture
If an image is present for this patient in the designated patient picture folder of the Images module, the most recent picture will show at the top left. The folder for patient pictures can be set in Definitions, Image Categories.

Family Member List
The currently selected patient is highlighted in red. To select another family member, just click on the name.  Or click Select Patient to select another patient. 

Guarantor:  The family member designated as the guarantor appears first in the list and in bold.  This person is responsible for the account.  It does not need to be a patient (e.g. parent of a minor).  The Guarantor cannot be deleted or moved unless he/she is the only family member.  Moving the guarantor into another family effectively combines two families, which combines account notes and address/phone notes.

Other Family Members: 
Family members can only be deleted when they have no procedures, claims, payments, procedures attached to claims, or commlog entries.  Once deleted, you will no longer have access to that patient from any portion of the program.

Double click anywhere in the section to edit. See Recall.

Patient Information
A summary of all patient information entered on the Edit Patient Information window.  Double click in the area to edit. 
  - Customize which fields show in this area in Display Fields or add Custom Patient Fields.
  - To enter Referrals, double click in the Referrals cell. The color of the Referrals cell can be changed in Definitions, Misc Colors.

Insurance Plans
The Insurance Plans area displays all insurance currently attached to the patient as active coverage. Unlimited plans can be attached. For example, you can have primary, secondary, tertiary, primary medical, secondary medical, etc. To change the background color for Subscriber information, see Definitions, Misc Colors.  Double click on any plan to edit.

Plans For Family
To see a list of all insurance plans for the family, including inactive or dropped plans, click the Add Insurance dropdown and select Plans for Family.

Double click a plan to see more details. Old insurance plans never get deleted and are always available here for reference.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033