Merge Patients 

The Merge Patients tool can be used to merge duplicate patient accounts into one. Both patients accounts must have the same first name, last name and date of birth before a merge is allowed. This can not be done is the names are spelled differently.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Misc Tools, Merge Patients.

Click Change to select the patient accounts. 
- Patient to merge into: The patient account that will remain.
- Patient to merge from: The patient account that will be merged into the top patient.

Click Merge.  A message will show when the merge is successful.

After the merge, the status of the Patient to merge from will change to 'Archived".  It can still be accessed via the Select Patient window by selecting the Show Archived/Deceased checkbox, and in the Family module, Family Member list. Also consider deleting the patient in the Family module.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033