General Overview  

EZ2000 Plus  Dental has one main window with seven modules that can be viewed from any menu. They are:
Treatment Plan

Each module is accessed by clicking a button in the toolbar that runs vertically along the left side of the window. The advantage of having only one window instead of each module having its own window is that the screen and task bar do not get cluttered with windows, and navigation is easier.  Sometimes, you might want to have two modules open at the same time and it is v ery easy to go between the modules. For example, comparing two different patients side by side.  In such situations, it is certainly permitted to open two instances of EZ2000 Plus Dental.  You could also leave one copy open with the schedule, and use the other copy for managing accounts.

Regardless of which module you are in, there is a Main Menu at the top, and a main Toolbar common to all modules.  There is also a second toolbar specific to each module.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033