Images Module
The Images Module is where you scan and store most forms and letters that you would normally store in a paper chart. If you still use paper charts, they can be much thinner and cleaner. For information about imaging software, see Bridges to Other Programs. When you Scan forms or images, they are saved as simple jpg files, making them always available to other programs. In addition to scanning forms, you can also import any file type at all, including Word, PDF, and Excel formats. Files are organized in tree view by folders, which are also called categories. You can customize and define the folders/categories in Definitions, Image Categories. When you click on an image file (jpg, gif) or PDF, it will preview in the window on the right. For other file types, there is no preview capability. Instead double click on the item to open it in its default program. For example, a Word file (.doc) would open in MS Word. A patient's files are stored in their patient folder in the A to Z folders. Patient folders are named based on last name, first name and a unique number (Patient.PatNum in the database). Keeping all images for a patient within a single folder makes it easy to copy your files to other programs and to keep things organized. You have complete access to every file, but if moved or renamed them, because then EZ2000 Plus Dental will be unable to find them. Adobe Reader version 8.0 or later is needed to view PDF files. Images Toolbar Printer:
Opens the Select Printer window so you can print the selected image.
The image will automatically be sized to fit the printed page. Import: Import an existing file from your computer or network. You can only import one file at a time. Slider: Click
and drag each edge of the slider left or right to adjust the pixel
windowing values for the selected image. Windowing is useful for
images like radiographs because it isolates gray levels. Changes
are visible in the preview as you drag. For more details, see Enhancing Radiograph Images. Image Information Categories: Correspond to the folder names. Select the category the image should be stored under. Options can be customized in Definitions, Image Categories. File Name: The name and location of the file. It cannot be changed. Files are automatically named using this format: LastnameFirstnameUniquenumber (the autoindex number of the document table in the database). They are stored in the patient's A to Z folder. Tooth Numbers: If this file pertains to a tooth, you can enter numbers for reference. Date and Description: Can be changed. Moving Files into the Images Module 1. Scan the documents or images. See Scanning Documents and Images. 2. Import files from another location on your computer. 3. Copy/Paste an image from the clipboard. Within another program, copy the image to the clipboard (Ctrl + C or Edit, Copy). Or copy an active window to the clipboard by pressing Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen is usually at the top of the keyboard above the arrow keys). Then, in the Images module, select the category and click Paste. Pasted images will not be compressed, but generally only take up 1/4 of the space of a scanned document. See also PrintScreen tool to capture screen shots that you do not want to save with any particular patient. If you copy/paste an existing image that's already in the program, the file size may get bloated, especially if it starts out as a gif. All such images get converted to jpg with zero compression, resulting in some bloat. The current recommendation for duplicating a gif is to copy it directly to the A to Z folders using Windows. Then, return to the EZ2000 Plus Dental Images module, and refresh. The new file will be picked up and attached to the patient. 4. Copy Directly Into the Patient's Folder. In Windows, simply select and copy the files, then paste the files into the patient's folder in the A to Z folder. The next time you open the Images module for the patient, the files will be automatically added to the tree view, and you can recategorize or rename. This is useful when copying large quantities of files at once. Once recognized by EZ2000 Plus Dental, DO NOT rename or move the files, or EZ2000 Plus Dental will not know where to find them. Imaging Software
EZ2000 Dental Software 800-273-5033