
Users can define custom colors and category/list options that are used throughout the program in Definition setup. 

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Definitions.

Working with definitions is very simple. In the Select Category list are different areas that can be user-defined. Some areas control colors and some control list options in the program. Click on a category and all of its definitions, and their current setting, appear on the right. A description of the category appears in the Guidelines area detailing what the category does.

The buttons below the lists may be enabled or disabled, depending on the category selected.
Add: Add a new definition to a category.
Hide: Remove a definition as an option. Items are never deleted, because that can corrupt data that used the definition. Instead move the item to the bottom of the list, mark as hidden, and it will no longer show as an option in any lists. To mark an item unhidden, you must open the Edit Definition window.
Up: Move the item position up in the list.
Down: Move the item position down in the list.

For most definitions, if you change the names or abbreviations, those items will be changed wherever that definition was used.  For other lists, changing names does not affect patient records at all. Refer to Definition Guidelines.

Double click on an definition to edit it, or click Add to add a new definition.

Different options are available depending on the category you are editing. Some categories control colors, others control list options.

If color is an option, single click on the colored block to bring up the Color selection window.

Select the color, then click OK.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033