Definition Guidelines 

Using Definitions, users can define colors, list options, and categories that are used throughout EZ2000 Plus Dental.  Below is an explanation of each definition and what it controls.

Definition What it Controls
Account Colors Text color of different entry types in the Account module.
Adj Types The adjustment types on the Adjustment window. Only allowed to define value when adding an adjustment.
+ increases patient balance/added to Addition list.
- decreases patient balance/added to Subtraction list.
Not allowed to edit value, since changes affect all patient accounts.
Appointment Colors Background colors in Appointments module and colors for Completed appointments.
Appt Confirmed Confirmation status colors for Appointments. Appointment View must also be set to show ConfirmedColor.
Apt Procs Quick Add The procedures listed in the Quick Add list on the Edit Appointment window, and the procedure codes associated with it. They must not require a tooth number. Multiple procedure codes can be separated by commas with no spaces. These definitions may be freely edited without affecting any patient records.
Billing Types The billing types listed as Billing Options. To create a billing type that is e-mailed, enter “E” in the Email Bill field.  We recommend using as few billing types as possible. Types are useful when running reports to separate delinquent accounts, but can cause 'forgotten accounts' if used without good office procedures. Changes affect all patients.
Blockout Types Background color of Blockout Types in the Appointments module.
Chart Graphic Colors Colors used on the Graphical Tooth Chart. Procedure status colors appear as choices on the Draw tab in the Chart module.
Claim Custom Tracking Custom claim tracking options that appear under the Misc tab on the Edit Claim screen. Some offices may set up claim tracking statuses such as 'review', 'hold', 'riskmanage', etc.
Commlog Types Type options in the dropdown on the Commlog screen. Changes affect all current commlog entries.

In the second column you can optionally set default options for commlog types using APPT, RECALL, or MISC. Assign each attribute only once, as the program will only use the matching item that is closest to the top of the list.
APPT: Controls the default commlog type when Comm is clicked on the Edit Appointment window.  This type will also be highlighted yellow in the Communications Log area, making it easy to see appointment commlogs at a glance.
FIN: not used in the program.
RECALL: Controls which commlog type is the default when RECALL is called.  (Commlog entries entered on Recall List).
MISC: Controls which commlog type is the default when MISC is called in the program (Commlog in the toolbar).

Contact Categories Categories on the Contacts screen.  Changes affect all current contact records.  The category at the top of the list is the default.
Diagnosis The Diagnosis options listed when entering a Procedure or Entering Treatment. Ones that are less used should go lower on the list. The abbreviation is shown in the progress notes. BE VERY CAREFUL. Changes affect all patients.
Image Categories Categories/folders in the Images module (tree view). If you hide a category, images in that category will be hidden, so only hide a category if you are certain it has never been used. Changes affect all patient records.  The order of categories affects the tab order in the Chart module.

To access categories in other areas, select a Usage checkbox.
Show in Chart module: The category can be accessed directly from Chart module lower tabs. Can select multiple categories.
Show in Patient Forms: The category will show on the Pick Sheet for Patient Forms.
Patient Pictures, Statements and Graphical Tooth Charts: Select only one category for each.
- Patient Pictures: Images in this category/folder will show in the Family module and on the Appointment.
- Statements: When printed, a PDF copy of statements is placed in this category/folder.
- Graphical Tooth Charts: When the tooth chart is saved in the Chart module, the image file is placed in this category/folder.

Insurance Payment Types Payment Type options available when entering an Insurance Payment. By default, Check and EFT are options.  Types marked as "N" will not show on Deposits. The option at the top of the list is the default.
Letter Merge Cats Categories for Letter Merge. You can safely make any changes.  The option at the top of the list is the default.
Misc Colors Colors for miscellaneous items.
Payment Types Payment options in Payment Types dropdown. Changes affect all patients.  The option at the top of the list is the default.
PaySplit Unearned Types Options in the Unearned Type dropdown on Edit Payment Split window. Changes affect all patients.
Proc Button Categories Procedure button category options in the Chart module, Enter Treatment tab, and in Procedure Button setup. Categories are used to group procedure buttons. The category at the top of the list is the default.
Proc Code Categories By Category list on Procedure Code Edit window. They do not have to follow ADA categories. There is no relationship to insurance categories which are setup in the Ins Categories section. Changes do not affect any patient records.
Prog Notes Colors The text color for different Progress Notes entry types in the Chart module.
Prognosis Prognosis options when entering a Procedure or Entering Treatment in the Chart module.
Recall/Unsched Status Status options on the Edit Recall window. Abbreviation must be 7 characters or less. Changes affect all patients.
Supply Categories Category options when ordering Supplies. The category at the top of the list is the default.
Treat' Plan Priorities Priority options when entering a Procedure or Entering Treatment, and priority text color in the Progress Notes. Priority options can be simple numbers or descriptive abbreviations 7 letters or less. Changes affect all procedures where the definition is used.



  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033