Payment Splits


Payment Splits  

Payment splits are usually handled automatically for you for simple situations. If you need more control over how a payment gets split, click Add Split on the Payment window, or double click an existing payment to edit.

Payment Date: Cannot be edited on this screen. This date is synchronized with the payment date on the Payment window.

(procedure date): Usually the same as the payment date and will also be used as the payment split date. It can be changed to fine tune Aging. If you attach a procedure to this pay split, then change the procedure date to match the date of the attached procedure, the splits will be grouped with the procedure in the Account module.

Unearned Type: Select an unearned income type such as prepayment or refund due. Usually only used by offices that use accrual basis instead of cash basis accounting. Types can be customized in Definitions, PaySplit Unearned Types.

Provider: Select the Provider.

Clinic: Select the clinic. This field only shows if Clinics is turned on in Show Features.

Patient: Select the patient this split applies to. All family members are listed. To select a patient that is not in the family, check the 'Is from another family' box, then select the patient.

Procedure:  Click Attach to attach a procedure. You must currently do this one procedure at a time.

Select the procedure and click OK.

On the lower right of is a summary of payment information for this procedure. This helps you to enter the correct split amount to bring the procedure balance to zero.

Attached to Payment Plan: Check this box to attach this split to a Payment Plan. If more than one plan is setup for this guarantor, you will have the option to select which one.


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