




A provider is a dentist or hygienist.

In the Main Menu, click Lists, Providers.


All providers setup for your practice are listed. The sort order matches the order in which providers will show on various lists throughout the program. To change the order, highlight a provider, then click the up or down arrows. Changing the order does not harm any patient data.

If a provider leaves the practice, they can be marked hidden on the Edit Provider window. A provider can never be deleted because that information has been used in other places in the program.

Dental Schools:  This option is only visible if Dental Schools is enabled in Show Features.

Create Users:  Quickly assign a provider to a Security user group and create a user name (e.g. SmithJ).  Select the provider(s), select the User Group, then click Create. 

Move Patients:  Quickly move all patients from one provider to another provider.  Highlight the current provider(s), click the To Provider dropdown and select the new provider, then click Move. 

Reassign by most-used provider:  Quickly change a patient's primary provider to the provider who has completed most of their Procedures. Highlight the provider(s) to review, then click Reassign.  EZ 20000 Plus Dental will look at all patients who have the selected provider(s) as their primary provider.  If a different provider has performed more of their completed Procedures, that provider will be assigned as their new primary provider.  If multiple providers share an equal number of completed procedures, the most recently used provider will take precedence.  You will receive a confirmation message before the reassignment takes place.

Click Add or double click on an existing provider to edit.

Abbreviation: Enter the abbreviation to use for this provider. This abbreviation will be used to identify the provider in various lists throughout the program. There is a 255 letter limit for the abbreviation, but the shorter the better. The abbreviations may be changed at any time.

EHR Key:  This field is visible when EHR is turned on in Show Features.  Click [...] to enter the annual EHR Provider Key provided by technical support. This key is required to access EHR Measure Calculation reports, and is used for CPOE and Electronic Prescriptions measures.

Appointment Color: Single click on the colored box to select the background color for this provider's Appointments. Lighter colors help the black text show more clearly.

Highlight Outline Color: Single click on the colored box to select the background color for appointment information that appears when a user hovers over an appointment. Lighter colors help black text show more clearly.

Dental School Class: This field is only visible when Dental Schools is enabled in Show Features.

Fee Schedule: Select the default Fee Schedule or the Usual, Customary, and Regular (UCR) fee schedule for this provider. This is typically the fee schedule that will be used for the provider's new patients, unless the patient has Insurance (in which case the insurance fee schedule is usually used).

Specialty: Select this provider's specialty, or enter the provider's Taxonomy Code.

Anesthesia Provider Groups (optional): Assign the provider to an anesthesia group. If assigned, this provider will populate the corresponding dropdowns in the Anesthetic Record.

Secondary Provider: Check this box if the provider is a hygienist.

Signature on File: Check this box if the provider has a signature on file.

Not a Person:  This is useful when offices use business name instead of individual name as the provider on Claims. Check this box, and enter business ID numbers instead of individual ID numbers. 

Hidden: Check this box to remove this provider from the Providers list. This is a useful for providers who are no longer with the practice. We recommend waiting at least one year before hiding a provider who has left, so that their information still appears on Reports.

Supplemental Provider Identifiers: This is a place to store provider IDs assigned by insurance companies, especially Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Click Delete to remove a number. Click Add to add a number.

Enter the Payer Electronic ID, select a type, enter the ID number assigned to this provider by the insurance company, then click OK.