


In the Main Menu, click Reports. We recommend printing most of the reports and choosing your favorites to print daily, weekly, or monthly.

Setup: Set report defaults.

User Query: Generate custom reports that do not already exist in this list.

Laser Labels This Laser Labels feature was added for mainly recall cards but good for other applications as well.

Production and Income: Generate daily, monthly or annual production and income reports.

Daily:  Reports that are typically run every day in most offices. They do not need to be run unless you need them for your records.
     Incomplete Procedure Notes - A list of all completed procedures with Procedure Notes flagged as "incomplete".  See Procedure Code Edit.
     Routing Slips

Monthly:  Reports that should be run every month and are part of the Billing process.
     Aging of A/R - A list of patients who owe the office money.
     Claims Not Sent - Claims that have been created, but not sent.
     Capitation Utilization - Only used for Capitation plans.
     Finance Charge Report - Optional, after you run Finance Charges.
     Outstanding Insurance Claims - Claims that have not been received back from insurance.
     Procedures Not Billed to Ins - Procedures that someone forgot to send to insurance.
     PPO Write-offs - If you are using the PPO feature, these two reports will give you comparison with regular fees.
     Payment Plan - Patients who own money on a Payment Plan.  This report complements the Aging of A/R report.
     Receivable Breakdown - A breakdown of total amounts due, by date.
     Unearned Income - Unearned income liabilities or unearned income activity.
     Insurance Overpaid

Lists included are:
     Appointments - All appointments for a date or date range.
     Birthdays - Patients who have birthdays within a specific date range.  Print postcards with a personalized message.033
     Treatment Finder

Public Health
     Raw Screening Data
     Raw Population Data

EHR (for EHR only)
     EHR Patient List
     EHR Patient Export: Export a summary of all patient health information as an .xml file.

See Also
Appointment Lists (Recall List, Confirmation List, Planned Tracker, Unscheduled List, ASAP List)
Accounting Reports (General Ledger Detail and Balance Sheets)
Clearinghouse Claim Reports

Arizona Reports


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 1800-273-5033