Procedure Code Edit



Procedure Notes 

Procedure Notes are just one of the many different kinds of Notes available throughout the program.

One of the first things an office going paperless wants to know is how to enter the daily treatment notes without getting overwhelmed. Computers actually make this job faster and more accurate than paper charts.  In EZ 2000 Plus Dental, treatment notes are called procedure notes, and they are stored with the procedure.  Procedure notes can include anything that normally goes into your chart notes, such as materials used, procedures followed, treatment performed, anesthetic, informed consent, etc.  Procedure notes support Digital Signatures.

You always edit procedure notes at the time of the Procedure.  However, you can simplify data entry by setting up default notes for procedure codes in the Edit Procedure Codes window. The default notes will automatically copy to the patient's chart every time the procedure is set complete, or the appointment is Set Complete.  Then, staff only need to make minor changes to the notes, thus saving time.

Automatic Locking
All procedure notes are automatically and permanently locked, and nobody can edit, regardless of their Permission.  For convenience, we do give users the illusion of being able to edit and delete notes.  But the real archived note history can be viewed in the Chart module under Show tab, Audit.

Permission-based Locking
There are two security Permissions that affect access to procedure notes.

Edit Completed Procedure:  Allows/blocks editing of completed procedures, including procedure notes.  This permission has day/date limits.  If turned on, the user can make changes within a specific time frame (days or by a specific date). If turned off, the user can't change a completed procedure at all. 

Procedure Note Locking:  This permission is rarely turned off.  If turned off, it blocks users from ever making any changes to procedure notes.

Procedure Locking
A few offices insist on Locking Procedures and only allowing notes to be appended. This option is not used by most offices. 

Other Note Options
Instead of attaching notes to individual procedures, you also have the option of creating one Procedure Group Note for multiple procedures.

Scripted Auto Notes may also be useful if you want to prompt users to pick items from a list. Below are some examples that show the difference between template notes and Auto Notes.

Strategy 1: Fill in the blank. This is an excellent strategy.
Comprehensive Exam
Medical Conditions:
Overall PSR:
Soft Tissue Screening:
Dental Exam: Treatment plan printed.
Pt Concerns:
PARQ: ""

Strategy 2: Prefilled. Slightly more efficient, more complete, but risk of inaccurate notes.
Comprehensive Exam
Medications: none
Allergies: none
Medical Conditions: none
Overall PSR:2
Soft Tissue Screening: WNL
Dental Exam: No caries. Treatment plan printed.
Pt Concerns: None

Strategy 3: Scripted.  See AutoNotes.
Comprehensive Exam
Medications: (pick from list)
Allergies: (pick from list)
Medical Conditions: (pick from list)
Overall PSR:2
Soft Tissue Screening: (pick from list)
Dental Exam: No caries. Treatment plan printed.
Pt Concerns: None