Open Dental Software - Procedure Locking


Procedure Locking 

This option is not used by most offices because completed Procedure Notes are already automatically locked.

Procedure locking is for the few offices that insist on locking each completed procedure and only allowing notes to be appended. If you use this option, there is no way to unlock a procedure, regardless of Permissions.  In the case of mistakes, you can mark locked procedures as invalid, but it's a hassle and causes clutter.  This option can be turned off later, but locked procedures remain permanently locked.

To change the lock setting, see Chart Module Setup, Procedure Locking Allowed.

If locking is allowed, completed procedures will have a Lock button on the right side of the Procedure Info window.  When you click Lock, the procedure is immediately and permanently locked.  You may only view the procedure, append procedure notes, or invalidate the procedure.

Appending Notes
Appending a note adds an additional note to the original procedure note.  Click Append.

Enter the new note in the Appended Note text area, or add an Auto Note.  Appended notes are dated, and appear in the Progress Notes below the procedure. 

If you make a mistake and need to change a locked procedure, the only allowed method is to Invalidate it on the Procedure Info window.  It will still appear in the Progress Notes, though -invalid- will appear in the Description. 

Procedure Locking Tool
To lock procedures for a specific date range at one time, use the Procedure Lock Tool.  This tool is only visible in the menu when procedure locking is allowed.  If you just turned on the procedure locking option in Chart Module Setup, then you will need to restart Open Dental to see the menu option for Procedure Lock Tool. 

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Misc Tools, Procedure Locking.

Enter the date range and click OK.