Auto Notes  

Auto Notes are a way of scripting pop-ups to help write big complex notes. Typically useful for comprehensive exams or emergency exams.

In the Main Menu, select Setup | Auto Notes.

Double click on an existing autonote, or Add a new autonote.

An autonote is mostly just a big block of static text.  Within that text, you can insert Prompts.  The available prompts for all autonotes are in the list at the right.  Highlight a prompt, and click the Insert button to place it within the note. 

Double click on a prompt in the list to edit, or Add a new prompt to the list.

There are currently three types of prompts.  A "OneResponse" prompt will let the user pick one from a list of options.  Define the list by entering one item per row.  A "MultiResponse" prompt will let the user pick multiple responses from a list.  A "Text" prompt will prompt the user to enter free-from text. You would typically leave the large text box blank.  If you do put some text in the box, it will be the default, and the user will be able to change it when they are prompted.

Using Auto Notes
In the Procedure Edit window, click the AutoNotes button directly above the notes box.  Then, double click on one of the autonotes in the list at the left.

Each prompt in the autonote will come up in sequence.  After all the prompts, the compose window will stay open, allowing you to insert additional autonotes or to further edit the note.  Click OK to place the final note into the procedure note.

If you prefer to use one note for an entire visit rather than a separate procedure note for each procedure, then you can use auto notes to make it easier.  In addition to the normal procedures for the day, there will be a clinical note, which is just a procedure with a code that is not an ADA code.  For example, Del.  Leave the default notes blank, and just use autonotes to compose a single clinical note.

Transitioning to Version 6.4
You need to be aware that if you have extensive auto notes set up, then the transition to Version 6.4 will require some re-entry of autonotes.  All the "controls" will still be present, now called "prompts".  But the notes themselves will all need to be recreated.  To make this process go smoother, you might copy some of your favorite completed autonotes before upgrading.  You could take screenshots, or you could copy and paste to a text file.  This will make setting up your new autonotes go easier.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033