Chart Module Setup 

Here you can set default options and settings for the Chart module. Check a box to turn a feature on, uncheck a box to turn it off.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Modules.  Click the Chart tab.

Reset entry status to TreatPlan when switching patients:  Set the default Entry Status to TreatPlan when you switch patients.  Usually, treatment is entered with TreatPlan status, but occasionally you need to enter existing treatment.  After doing so, it's easy to forget to set the status back to TP, so we do it for you automatically when you switch patients.  This automatic behavior can be annoying for some offices that prefer to enter completed procedures directly from the Chart module without also entering appointments. For those offices, uncheck this box.

Allow setting procedures complete:  Check this box to allow users to set individual procedures in an appointment complete by right-clicking on the procedure in the Progress notes and selecting Set Complete.  If unchecked, users can only set appointments as complete, not individual procedures.  It is better to only set appointments complete.

Tooth Nomenclature:  Select the tooth numbering system to display on the Graphical Tooth Chart and in reports.   EZ2000 Plus Dental supports 4 different tooth numbering systems:

  • Universal (Common in the US, 1-32):  Valid tooth numbers are 1-32 and A-T.  For supernumerary teeth, valid values are 51-82 and AS-TS. Permanent supernumerary tooth numbers add 50 to the tooth number (tooth 1 = 51). Primary supernumerary tooth numbers add an S (tooth 1 = S1). Procedures for supernumerary teeth do not show on the Graphical Tooth Chart, but they do get billed to insurance.
  • FDI Notation (International, 11-48), 51-85 for primary teeth: For Canadian users, supernumary teeth can be entered as 99.
  • Haderup (Danish)
  • Palmer (Ortho)

None of these numbering systems change how any data is stored in the database. So, you can freely switch back and forth between the different systems.

Hide amalgam buttons in Quick Buttons section:  See Enter Treatment.

Button for tooth chart, move to the right to prevent overlap when saving: 

Indicator that patient has No Problems:  EHR users only.  Select the Problem that will be used to indicate the patient has no problems.  Usually linked to a problem called "None".  See EHR Problems.

Indicator that patient has No Medications:  EHR users only.  Select the Medication that will be used to indicate the patient has no medications. Usually linked to a medication called "None". See EHR Medications.

Indicator that patient has No Allergies: EHR users only.  Select the Allergy that will be used to indicate the patient has no allergies.  Usually linked to an allergy called "None".  See EHR Allergies.

Procedure Group Note Does Aggregate:  If checked, when a Group Note is created for two or more procedures that also have Procedure Notes, all the notes will be combined into one group note.  If unchecked, then the notes will not be combined.

Add Procedures Without Refreshing Entire Chart (Increase in speed):

Use medical fee for new procedures:

Default ICD9 code for new procedures: All new procedures get this ICD9 code attached to them.  Used in Medical, especially eCW.

Procedure locking is allowed: Not used by most offices.  Allows users to permanently lock completed procedures.  See Procedure Locking.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033