Problem Master List




Problem Master List

The master Problem List should contain medical conditions or other factors that affect the health of a patient. Once added to the master list, problems can be attached to the Patient's Problem List.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Problems, or on the Medical window click Add Problem.

Up/Down:  Move a problem up or down in the list.

Click Add, or double click a problem to edit.

ICD-9 Code:  Click [...] to associate the problem with an ICD-9 Code.   or ICD-10

ICD-10 Code:  Click [...] to associate the problem with an ICD-10 Code. 

SNOMED CT Code:  Click [...] to associate the problem with a SNOMED CT code.   Only available to current EHR users.

Description:  The identifying name of the condition.

Hidden:  Check this box to hide a problem so it is no longer a selection for patients.  Problems that are attached to patients cannot be deleted, but you can hide them so they can no longer be selected.

EHR users:  An ICD-9 / 10 or SNOMED CT code must be attached to a problem for it to count in Measure Calculations for Stage 1 Meaningful Use.  A SNOMED CT is required for a problem to show on a Summary of Care or Clinical Summary.