Enter Treatment



Chart - Enter Treatment  

In the Chart module, treatment is usually entered via the Enter Treatment tab.

1. Click on the tooth in the Graphical Tooth Chart. Click and drag to quickly highlight multiple teeth. 
2. Click on surface buttons to select the surfaces.
3. Select the diagnosis.
4. Select the procedure.

The procedure will list in the Progress Notes and show on the tooth chart. Also see Editing Procedures

Tooth Surface (B/F, V, M, O/I, D, L):  As you click on a button the box above will populate.  To remove an entry, click the button again.  The box itself cannot be edited.  Most of the tooth surfaces are standard and self explanatory. 

The "V" surface is the exception.  EZ 2000 uses " V" to indicate a class 5 location along the gingival margin of the B or F.  The V surface will draw differently on the tooth chart.  There is no corresponding lingual class 5 indicator.  Since V is not one of the surfaces allowed when submitting to insurance, it will convert to B or F on all Claims. Also, you should not count a V as another surface in addition to B or F because no line angles were crossed.  For example, you might have a 2 surface DBV, which would be automatically converted to a DB on outgoing claims.   

Surfaces are handled slightly differently in CANADA.

Entry Status:  Procedure status determines the color used on the graphical tooth chart for the treatment.  Status colors are set in Definitions, Chart Graphic Colors.
- TreatPlan: This is the default selection. Use when you are entering treatment that is recommended, but not yet complete.
- Complete: Use to enter work that is complete.
- ExistCurProv: Use this status when entering treatment that was done in your practice before you started using Open Dental.
- ExistOther: Use this status to enter treatment that was done by another provider, either before the patient came to your practice, or because they were referred out for treatment.  The date will be 01/01/0001 so the procedure will show at the beginning of the Progress Notes.
- Referred: Use this status to enter treatment the patient needs, but that will be done at another office. Once the work has been completed, change the procedure status to EO.
- Condition: Use this status to chart caries and other conditions as a separate step in order to see them on the graphical tooth chart. Most offices will not use this status. You must also add dummy Procedure Codes that represent the conditions you are trying to show. The mouth area and paint type of each dummy code must be carefully set.

Date/Today: If the Today box is checked, the entry date will always be today's date. To enter multiple procedures with a previous date, uncheck the today box, then enter the date before entering treatment.

Diagnosis: One diagnosis can be set per procedure, or you can skip it. Customize options in Definitions, Diagnosis. Diagnoses do not show on the graphical tooth chart.  To see diagnoses separately from the proposed treatment, use the Condition (Cn) entry status.

Prognosis:  Not used by most offices. Options can be customized in Definitions, Prognosis. 

Priority:  Used in the Treatment Plan module to prioritize treatment.  Options can be customized in Definitions, Treat' Plan Priorities.

Procedure Codes:  There are three ways to select the procedure code.
- Click Procedure List to select from the Procedure Code list.
- Manually type the code.
- Click on a Procedure Button. Buttons are grouped by category and can be customized.  Clicking a button lists the treatment in the Progress Notes and displays it on the tooth chart. If information is missing, the Edit Procedure window will appear so you can fill it in.

Quick Buttons are the first selection in the Procedure Button list. These are useful for some offices.  They are not customizable, so they will not work in Canada or for Foreign users.


See Also: 
Missing Teeth
Primary Teeth
Planned Appointment