Chart - Show Tab


Chart - Show Tab

In the Chart module, Show tab, set up different views for the grid in the lower right of the Chart module (usually called the Progress Notes) and define what information shows in each view.  Some selections also affect what shows in the Graphical Tooth Chart.

EZ2000 Plus Dental comes with a Default View set up. It is recommend you rename it Progress Notes or create a new view called Progress Notes.  You can also create other views that show or hide specific information.  The view listed first is the default view every time you start EZ2000 Plus Dental. Switch between views using the F keys (F#) on your keyboard, or by clicking on a row.  Use the Up/Down arrows to change the view order.

When you highlight a Chart View, the grid switches, and the default options show on the left.  These values can be changed without affecting the default view settings.  If you do select a different option, Custom View will show under the date.

To filter the grid by a specific date or date range.  Click [...]

This is commonly used when you need to print a single day or a year.  Click on an option, or enter the start and end date. Click OK. 

Add or Edit a Chart View
Double click a chart view to edit, or click Add to create a new one.

Select what information should show in the grid.  These will be the default values, but many can also be changed on the main Show tab without permanently affecting the view settings. 

Description:  The name of the view and the title that shows at the top of the grid.

Dates Showing: The dates that will show. Options are All, Today, Yesterday, This Year, Last Year.

Procedures:  The Procedure statuses that should show in the grid and on the Graphical Tooth Chart. Click All to quickly select all boxes, or None to quickly clear all boxes.
- Treat Plan: Procedures with a TP status.
- Completed: Procedures with a C status.
- Existing: Procedures with a EO or EC status.
- Referred: Procedures with a R status.
- Conditions: Procedures with a Cn status.
- Proc Notes:  Show Procedure Notes with procedures. 

Object Types:  In addition to procedures, mark what types of objects should show in the Progress Notes. 
- Appointments: The patient's Appointments.
- Comm Log: The patient's Commlogs. Check Family to also show comm logs for family members.  If Comm Log is unchecked, no comm logs will show.
- Tasks: Tasks attached to the patient or any family members.
- Email:  E-mails sent to the patient.
- Lab Cases: The patient's Lab Cases.
- Rx:  Sent paper Prescriptions and Electronic Prescriptions.
- Sheets: Any Referral Slips, Consent Forms, Patient Letters, Referral Letters, Patient Form, Medical History, Lab Slips, or Exam Sheets created for the patient.

Selected Teeth:  Show only procedures for teeth selected in the Graphical Tooth Chart.

Audit:  Switch to 'Audit' mode; a read-only history of changes to procedures, along with date and time of change.  This is the only way to see deleted procedures (status = D).   When you are in 'Audit' mode you cannot edit procedures.

Fields Showing:  Define what data will show in the grid.  Data will be separated into columns by FieldName.  The Fields Showing are listed in the order each column will show (from left to right). The fields that are available, but not selected, list under Available Fields.  To move a field between Fields Showing and Available Fields, highlight it, then click the right or left arrow. 

To edit a field's column header or width, double click it.

  - New Description:  The column header. The minimum width is based on the number of characters in this field.
  - Column Width:  Enter any number equal to or greater than the Minimum Width.

Some FieldNames are easily identifiable.  For those that are not, below is a brief description.
  - Date: Date the item was created.
  - Th: Tooth Number
  - Surf: Tooth Surface
  - Dx: Diagnosis
  - Stat: Procedure status
  - Prov: The attached Provider (abbreviation).
  - Amount: The procedure's billable fee.
  - User: The user logged on to Open Dental when the item was entered.
  - Signed: Indicates when a item has been Digitally Signed.
  - Time: The exact time an object type was created. This option will not show procedure times.
  - Date TP:  Day the procedure was added to the treatment plan.
  - Date Entry: Day the procedure was entered.
  - Length:  Appointment length.
  - Abbr:  Procedure code abbreviation.
  - Locked: Indicates if a procedure has been locked using the Procedure Locking Tool.

Order of Rows in Progress Notes
The Progress notes is a very complex grid with many different kinds of objects in it. Starting with Version 12.0, the following logic is used:
1. All rows sorted by date (but not time).
2. Within each date, rows sorted by type. (except, starting in Version 12.4, commlogs and sheets are treated as the same type and will be intermingled).
3. Within procedures of same date, sort by status, then priority, then tooth number, and finally procedure code.
4. Other object types that are not procedures (like commlogs, sheets, etc), which have the same date, are further sorted by time.

See Also:
Enter Treatment
Missing Teeth
Primary Teeth
Planned Appointment


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033