Chart: Primary Teeth


Chart - Primary Teeth 

Primary teeth can be entered in the Chart module under the Primary tab.  You can also change teeth from primary to permanent, or set as mixed dentition. 

The image above shows a Graphical Tooth Chart that has primary teeth. To select a tooth, click on it.  You must click it again to deselect it.  Click and drag to quickly highlight multiple teeth. 

Primary:  Mark selected teeth as primary. 

Permanent:  Mark selected teeth as permanent.  Click Set All Permanent to mark all teeth as permanent.

Set All Primary:  Mark all teeth on the graphical tooth chart as primary, regardless of selection.

Set All Permanent:  Mark all teeth on the graphical tooth chart as permanent, regardless of selection.

Set Mixed Dentition: Change the graphical tooth chart to show a combination of primary and permanent teeth (8 - 12 year olds).

Root Canal (RCT) paint types for Procedure Codes will not show on primary teeth. Instead use the PostBu paint type.  If you only use the procedure code on primary teeth (e.g. a pedo office), simply change the paint type.  If you use the procedure code on both primary and permanent teeth, set up two codes: one for primary (PostBu) and one for permanent (RCT).

Example:  To show D3220 on the tooth chart:
1.  If you only use D3220 on primary teeth, simply change the paint type to PostBu.
2.  If you use D3220 on both primary and permanent teeth, set up two codes:
     - Permanent teeth: D3220 with paint type RCT.
     - Primary teeth:  D3220p with paint type PostBu.

Tips for Unique Situations
Show movements on the unerupted permanent tooth:
  1.  Enter the tooth Movement.
  2.  Mark tooth as primary.

Show congenitally missing permanent tooth:
  1.  Mark tooth as Missing
  2.  Mark tooth as primary.
  3.  If the primary tooth is also missing, mark it as missing as well.

Show permanent molars as unerupted:  Mark them as primary.

See Also:
Enter Treatment
Missing Teeth
Planned Appointment


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033