Chart - Missing Teeth  

All missing teeth should be recorded at the patient's first visit during the initial examination, generally before Entering Treatment. This is required when submitting Claims and allows proper selection of pontics for bridges. Teeth marked as "missing" do not show on the Graphical Tooth Chart.

In the Chart module, at the upper right, click the Missing Teeth tab.

To select teeth, click on them. Click and drag to quickly highlight multiple teeth.

Missing:  Mark the selected tooth as missing. The tooth will no longer show on the tooth chart, but the tooth number will show.  Procedure Codes that have a paint type of Extraction are automatically marked as "missing" when the procedure is set complete, or entered with a status of EO or EC. Deleting the procedure does not make the teeth reappear; you must manually set the teeth not missing; so in other words if you make a mistake it it easy to fix.

Not Missing:  Return a missing tooth to the chart.

Endentulous:  Mark all teeth as missing.  To replace a tooth on the chart, select it and click Not Missing.

Hidden:  Remove the selected tooth, and tooth number, from the chart.  There will be no way to select it in order to add procedures.  This is commonly used when a premolar has been extracted and the teeth have been orthodontically moved to close the space. Thus, there is no reason to ever assign a procedure to the tooth. The fastest way to hide four premolars all at once is to highlight all four and click Hidden. Then, drag to highlight all the teeth posterior to the hidden premolars. Click the Movements tab, and click the Mesial + button 3 times to close all the spaces.

See Also:
Enter Treatment
Primary Teeth
Planned Appointment


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033