EZ 2000 - Commlog



Communications Log  

This is a general purpose log of all communications. It may be accessed from the main Toolbar, and entries will show in the Account module, Chart module, Appointment Edit window, and Recall List.

The types are customizable in Definitions. You will notice that some Comm Log entries are made automatically by the program. In order to assist with the automation, if you alter your types, be sure to specify which ones are APPT,FIN,RECALL,or MISC as described in that window. Only one of each, plus whatever other types you want.

CommLog entries support Digital Signatures.

CommLog entries with a type of Statement Sent are generated automatically every time you print a statement. They are handled specially. They only show as line items in the main Account module. They do not show in the regular CommLog list. This is so that the patient can see when statements were sent out and so that the CommLog doesn't get cluttered with statement sent entries.