Recall List


Recall List 

The Recall List is a list of all patients who have Recalls due during the selected time span.  Patients who have recall appointments scheduled, and recall procedures attached, are not listed. This is so there is no duplication of contact method.

In the Appointments module, click the Appointment Lists button , then Recall.

The Recalls listed are those with due dates that match the values set in the View area. You can use a timespan of a few weeks into the past and a few days into the future, or have no start date so that more patients are included. If you click on one member of a family, all family members will highlight in red text.  Comm Log entries will be made for each contact attempt, regardless of the method of contact.

Customize the columns that show in Display Fields. Default recall options are defined in Recall Setup

Keep this list cleared! Your recall is current when every single patient is off this list.

View: Select filtering options, then click Refresh List to update the recall list.
  - Group Families: Group members within a family together. This will also affect how postcards are printed.
  - Sort: Select the sort order for the list.
  - Show Reminders: Only list patients with a specific number of reminders.
  - Start/End Date: Enter the timespan of the list. The default timespan is set in Recall Setup.
  - Provider: Only view patients for a specific Provider.
  - Clinic: Only visible if Clinics is turned on in Show Features.
  - Site: Only visible if Public Health is turned on in Show Features.

Contact:  The Contact column lists the preferred method of recall set for each patient on the Patient Edit window.

Status:  The Status column keeps track of your progress. To set recall status, click on a patient, or press Ctrl and select multiple patients. Select a status, then click Set. The Commlog window will open with a note added about the contact attempt. If the Commlog has a type of Recall, then this entry will be considered a “reminder” and the patient will be removed from the recall list until the next reminder is triggered.   If this type is not really a reminder, select another type. Then the patient will remain in the list, and the Commlog note will appear in the Status column.

Click OK to confirm the entry. Status options can be customized in Definitions, Recall/Unsched Status.

Multiple Reminders:  It is possible to track multiple reminders for each patient.  Only entries made since the previous recall are considered.  After the first reminder, patients will show in the recall list again based on reminder options defined in Recall Setup, 'Also show in list if # of days since'.

Remove a Patient from the List: 
- On the Edit Recall window, manually disable their recall.
- On the Patient Edit window, set their status to something other than patient (e.g. non-patient or inactive)
- Set a start date when viewing the recall list, because these patients will not have a due date.

Why a Patient Might not Show on the Recall List

  1. They already have a recall appointment scheduled.
  2. They have already been reminded. All commlog entries with a type of 'Recall' are treated as reminders. If it's not really a reminder, then use some other type.
  3. It has not been long enough since their last reminder.
  4. The date range does not go back far enough. Leave it blank to include even patients who have never had a prophy or exam.
  5. If grouping by family, they might not show where you expect them in the list, especially if their last name is different.
  6. Status must be 'Patient'. Not 'Inactive', 'Non-patient', or any other status.
  7. Their Recall has been disabled, disabled until a given date, or disabled until the family Account balances.
  8. (rare issue). If you have a previous appointment that was never marked complete. Look in the patient's appointment list. Or, this query will locate such appointments for all patients:
    SELECT * FROM appointment WHERE AptStatus=1 AND AptDateTime < NOW()
  9. Starting in version there is now a column in the recall table for storing DateScheduled. If the value in that column is not accurate a patient might not show on the recall list. Resynchronize by going to the Main Menu, Setup, RecallTypes and pressing the Synch button.

Managing Recall by Phone
If the recall list is managed primarily by phone, then you will probably run it every day and call every patient who comes due. Here are some tips:

View Account information: Before calling, click Go to Account, or right click on the patient row.

View Family module information: Click Go to Family, or right click on the patient row.

Commlog entries: Commlog entries should be made for every phone call so that you have a record of every attempt to contact the patient. If you leave a message on the answering machine on the first call, you might continue to try to contact them without leaving multiple messages. If they don't have an answering machine and you cannot contact them, you can always send them a postcard and change the status to reflect that.

Schedule an appointment: If a patient is ready to schedule an appointment, click Sched Patient or Sched Family to place a recall Appointment on the Pinboard. The calendar will not jump to the recall due date, so remember the appointment due date so you can locate it on the schedule. All necessary procedures are automatically added to the treatment plan and attached to the appointment. Defaults set in Recall Setup handle whether or not to include bitewings.

Managing Recall via E-mail
To E-mail recall reminders, an e-mail address must be entered on the Patient Edit window. We recommend setting the Preferred Recall Method to E-mail as well.

When no patients are selected, and E-mail is clicked, the following actions happen:
  - All patients with e-mail as the preferred setting are automatically selected.
  - If, in Recall Setup, Use Email If setting has been set to “has email address”, all patients who have an email address, but don't have a preferred recall method, are also selected.
  - A confirmation message will appear. Click OK to create e-mail messages for all selected patients.

If you select patients first, then click E-mail, EZ2000 Plus will attempt to e-mail the selected patients regardless of preferred method.

If grouping by family, the guarantor e-mail is always used.

Printing Postcards
Postcards can be sent to anyone. Postcard default settings (number of cards per sheet, offsets, messages) can be set in Recall Setup.

When no patients are selected and Postcard Preview is clicked:
  - All patients are automatically selected, except those with a Preferred Recall Method of e-mail, text message, or Do Not Call.
  - A preview of each postcard displays.

If you select patients first, then click Postcard Preview, a postcard preview for all selected patients will display, regardless of preferred method.

Click Print to print the postcards. See USPS for details about mailing postcards in the United States.

Group Families checkbox: This checkbox is useful when printing postcards. If multiple family members are selected, they are grouped together on one postcard, and the family message is used. If only one member of a family is selected, only that person will show up on the postcard, and the individual message will be used.

This button is only available to users with Admin Security permissions. This option is useful when a user verifies that a recall batch printed even though it did not. It will delete all Commlog entries with type “recall” for a specific date, and re-list patients in the Recall list.

Address labels can be printed for selected patient(s) on a standard sheet of 30. When labels are printed, recall status changes to “Mailed Postcard”.
  - Single Label: Print a label for all selected patients.
  - Label Preview: Preview label before printing.

Recall Reports
You can create a customized Recall Report and send the data to a simple text file. From there, you can Merge it with any Word template to print your own customized postcards, letters, etc.

1.  Click Run Report.

2. Highlight the fields to include in the report, then click OK.
3. On the Query window, click Export and save the file to another location.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033