Recall Types Setup


Recall Types Setup

Recall types can be set up for different types of Recall appointments. For each type, you can set which procedures will trigger the recall, the recall interval, and the appointment length.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Recall Types.

Several recall types are preset by EZ2000 Plus Dental, but you can change them as needed. If you add a custom recall type (e.g. endo followup in 6 months), you should also add the new recall type in Recall Setup so that it shows in the Recall List. There is not a lot of control over custom recall types. Any patient who has had that trigger will show, so use this feature lightly for now.

Synch:  Use to synchronize recalls for all patients when you add or change a recall type.

Add or Edit Recall Types
Double click on an existing type, or click Add to create a new type.

Description:  The identifying name of the recall type.

Special Type: There are three options and most offices should have one of each.

  • Prophy and Perio: Considered primary recall types and are mutually exclusive. The triggers for Prophy and Perio cross over and act as triggers for both types. To keep patients from falling through the cracks, every patient will be assigned a Prophy recall, regardless of any previous triggers.
  • ChildProphy: Only used to determine what procedures to put on a new appointment for a child; it does not actually get assigned to any patients. A patient is considered a child if they are younger than 12.

Procedures that trigger this recall type:  A list of the procedures that will trigger this recall type to be due. 

Default Interval:  The default length of time that will determine the recall due date.  It can any combination of years, months, weeks, and days. A common interval is 6 month plus 1 day so that the patient won't accidentally have their six month recall too early.

Time Pattern: The default appointment length for this recall type.  Each character equals 10 minutes. Use slashes (/) for assistant time and X's for doctor or hygienist time. Example: //XX/ = 20 minutes of assistant time, 20 minutes of doctor/hygienist time, 10 minutes assistant time. 50 minutes total appointment time.

Procedures on Appointment: Click Add to select the Procedures that will be attached to the recall appointment. Click Remove to delete a procedure.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033