


Patient retention is the backbone of any practioner and the recall system must be utilized for a successful praactice. The Recall grid in the upper right of the Family module lists all recall appointments due and scheduled for the patient. Recalls are triggered by procedures defined in Recall Types. When a recall is due, it will list in the Recall List. Appointments can be scheduled from the Recall List or the Appointments module.  Every time a recall appointment is set complete, recall dates, status and notes are reset.

To view a patient's recall details, double click on the Recall grid.

Set Perio/Set Prophy: Quickly toggle a prophy to a perio or back again. Prophy and Perio are mutually exclusive. If the patient is a perio patient, you MUST manually click this button to set them as a perio patient. Just completing a perio procedure is not enough to trigger a perio recall. 

Double click an existing recall to edit or disable it, or click Add to add a new one.

Recall Interval: Automatically populated based on Recall Type but can be changed for the selected patient without affecting others. It can be any combination of years, months, weeks, and days. A common prophy interval is 6 months plus 1 day so that the patient won't accidentally have their six month recall too early. For patients with periodontal disease, a common interval is 3 or 4 months.

Previous Dates: Calculated automatically based on completed procedures that are set as a trigger for the recall type.

Calculated Due Date: The Previous Date plus the recall interval.

Actual Due Date: Usually synchronized with the Calculated Due Date, but can be changed. If it exactly matches the Calculated Due Date, the dates will stay synchronized. If changed, it will no longer update automatically.

Scheduled Date: The date of the scheduled recall appointment, if it has been scheduled.

Status: The status of this recall.  The status can also be set in the Recall List. It is reset when a recall appointment is set complete.  Options can be customized in Definitions, Recall/Unsch Status.

Administrative Note: Usually entered when reviewing the Recall List. This note is deleted every time recall is reset. Right click to insert a Quick Paste Note.

Disable Recall: Disabling a recall guarantees that the patient will not show up on the Recall List.  This is preferred over deleting a recall because Open Dental will automatically add a recall back if certain criteria are met.
- Always Disabled: Check this box to disable this recall under all circumstances.
- Until family Account balance is below: Disable recall until the family's Account balance is below the dollar amount.
- Until Date: Disable recall until a certain date.

Delete: Only recalls with no Previous Date can be deleted. Otherwise you have to disable it instead.

Recall appointments can be scheduled from the Recall List, or from the Appointments module.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033