Account Module

Account Module Setup
Patient Payments
      Pay Splits
      Create an Insurance Claim
      Enter an Insurance Payment
      Claim Procedures
Payment Plans
      Installment Plans
Print a Statement
Trojan Express Collect

Account Module: Maintains financial information on patient. Shows individual patient's accounting - not the entire family.

To see accounting for other family members, look at the list of all family members that appear under Select Patient on the right.  If you click on any family member you may switch patient accounts.

Account Toolbar
Payment – Enter payment for patient.
Adjustment – Enter adjustments to the patient account (debits or credits).
New Claim – Generate a new insurance claim.
Payment Plan – Create a payment plan for patient. This is especially helpful in orthodontic offices.
Installment Plan – Create an installment plan. You may use this instead of the Payment Plan above.
Repeating Charge – Create a (recurring) repeating charge to be added to the patient's balance every month.  Also good for orthodontic offices.
Statement – Create a statement, or an invoice, or a receipt.

Aging (for 30/60/90 days that are past due) is usually updated daily for all patients. When you open a patient's account, aging is again reccalculated to maintain extra-accuracy. In order to calculate the correct aging monthly instead of daily, select that particular option in Account Module Setup.

You do not have to "close out" at the end of the month, as in other software packages, to put procedures into history. However, if you don't want previous accounting entries to be changed, you may assign Security permissions to each user based on date. The older entries can still be changed, but you can only change them if you have permission and a password. The procedures themselves are always protected from any changes no matter what your security settings.

In order to see remaining insurance coverage, hover over the Ins Rem box (right). The way the figures are calculated are similar to the way they are in  Treatment Plan.

Payment Plans:
If you need to set up a Payment Plan or Installment Plan, the detailed information shows at the top.

Patient Account:
If you look at the main Patient Account section, you will see that all procedures are bunched otgether by date with related Insurance Claims, Insurance Payments, Patient Payments, Adjustments and Statements.  If you double click on an entry you may edit a particular Claim.  The colors of the text for the different entry types may be changed by the user in Definitions under Account Colors.  The default options may also be changed in Account Module Setup.

Running balances do not take into account any pending insurance estimates.  The estimated balance after insurance pays may be seen at the top of the screen next to aging.  If you don't accept a patient's insurance assignment of benefits, but want the patient to pay the full amount no matter the insurance estimate, all of the time, then you need to go to Account Module Setup and check off the little box that says: "Balances don't subtract insurance estimate". Most offices do not select this option.

All Patient Payments may be Split (apportioned) among different family members or between different providers. "Splits" can even be attached to procedures and applied to other families. For Insurance Payments, you must enter the payment for each patient separately. Then you create the check that combines payments for several patients.

Communications Log:
The Communications Log shows all Commlog entries for patients.  The splitter function helps enormously. It is between the main account grid and the Commlog.  Drag the "splitter" up or down to shrink or expand the log.

*Main Tab*
Fam Urgent Fin Note: This applies to the entire family. It appears in red. It's meant for extremely important notres related to money matters. It also shows in red in several other places throughout the software. If your patients are able to view the screens (monitors) in exam rooms,  and you don't want them to accidentally see your private note about them, you should type 'see below' on the first line. Then hit the {enter} key a couple of times before you type your actual note. This forces users to scroll down to see the note ensuring privacy of the note.

Credit Card Manage: See Credit Cards.

Select Patient: This lists all family members. Click on a patient to select.

Family Financial: These notes aren't tracked in the Audit Trail.

Show Tab
Select which information displays in the Account module.

To filter your results in the Patient Account grid by date, select a date range.  If you enter the start or end date manually, click the Refresh button to update your results.

Show Proc Breakdowns: Displays additional financial info in the description column for every procedure (like: patient portion due, amount insurance paid, amt. of writeoff, amt. of adjustment).   To show the breakdown on patient billing statements, select "Show procedure breakdown" in the Manage Module Setup.

Show Family Comm Entries: Show Commlog entries for the entire family, and not just the current patient.

At the lower right is the Questionnaire button and the Trojan Express Collect button. 


  EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software  800-273-5033