Repeating Charges


Repeating Charges  

A repeating charge adds a balance to the patient's account each month.  In contrast, to charge a credit card for payment, see Recurring Charges.  The Repeating Charges feature can be turned on in Show Features

Repeating charges are added by attaching a 'procedure' with the repeating charge amount to the patient's account.  First you must setup the repeating charge.  Then, before running billing each month, run the Repeating Charges tool to add the charge and create any necessary claims. 

Setup a Repeating Charge
1.  In the Account module, click Repeating Charge to open the Procedure Codes window.
2.  Select the Procedure Code that will be added to the patient's account for the repeating charge. The procedure code must have a Treatment Area of 'Mouth', and cannot require a tooth number, surface, arch, or quadrant.

3.  Enter the repeating charge details.

Charge Amount:  Enter the monthly charge amount manually, or, in the Calculate Charge Amount area, enter the Total Amount, the Number of Charges, then press Calculate to automatically fill the Charge Amount field. 

Date Start:  Automatically filled in with today's date, but can be changed.

Date Stop:  Enter the last date the repeating charge should be added to the patient's account.  If left blank, the repeating charge will be added to the account indefinitely when the Repeating Charges tool is run.  The charge will stop when a stop date is entered, or the Enabled box is unchecked. 

Creates Claim:  Check this box to automatically create a Claim for this procedure when the Repeating Charges tool is run.  The patient must have Insurance and the Procedure cannot be marked 'Do Not Bill to Ins'.  The Date of Service will be the procedure date, and the claim status will be Waiting to Send.  If the patient has a secondary insurance plan, a secondary claim will also be created with a status of Hold.

Enabled:  When checked, this repeating charge will be added to the patient's account until the stop date.  When unchecked the repeating charge is disabled and can be safely deleted without affecting the patient's account.

Note:  Enter a note.  Click the checkbox to copy the note to the Billing Note on the Procedure Info window, Misc tab.

Manual:  Click to add the repeating charge procedure to the patient's account, regardless of whether or not the patient is due for their repeating charge. A new repeating charge procedure will be added each time you click the button.  This method will not create a claim automatically. 

Run the Repeating Charges Tool
To add the repeating charge procedure to a patient's account balance each month, and create any necessary claims, run the Repeating Charges tool.  This should always be done before creating each Billing batch.  

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Repeating Charges.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033