EZ 2000 Manual - Account Module Setup

Account Module Setup 

Here you can set default options and settings for the Account module. Check a box to turn a feature on; or uncheck a box to turn it off.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Modules.  Click the Account tab.

Balances don't subtract insurance estimate:  Be careful. This will change the accounting method for all users. It will cause balances to be computed based on the actual work done without taking into account any estimated payments from insurance. This is generally only used if your patients are responsible for all treatment as it is done, and you don't accept assignment of insurance benefits. All payments then go directly to the patients without involving the dental office.

Aging calculated monthly instead of daily:  Daily is the recommended approach.

Allow storing credit card numbers (this is a security risk):  Store Credit Card ##'s and expiration dates in Credit Card Manage.  This data is stored in plain text in the database, which violates credit card security guidelines. The best practice is to instead store the CC#'s in your CC program which encrypts them.

Automatically store X-Charge Tokens: Check this box if you are using X-Charge.

Finance charge adj type:  Select the type of Adjustment that will be created when you apply Finance Charges to an account.

Billing charge adj type:  Select the type of Adjustment that will be created when you apply Billing Charges to an account.

Show provider income transfer window after entering insurance payment:  Automatically show the Payments window after Entering an Insurance Payment so you can fine tune provider balances.

Show Family Comm Entries By Default:  Check the 'Show Family Comm Entries' box in the Account module, Show tab by default.

Claim Form treating dentist shows Signature On File rather than name:  Show the signature on file in the TreatingDentistSignature field on the Claim Form.  If unchecked, the field will show the dentist's name typed out.

Claim Attachment Export Path:  Enter the path to the folder where images attached to a Claim will be exported.  See Claim - General tab.

On e-claims, send treating provider info for each separate procedure: Only applies to E-claims. Paper Claims have no place to include information for more than one treating provider. This option should be checked unless you have a very good reason for needing to not send information about treating providers.

Require ACN# in remarks on claims with ADDP group name:  This was added for one specific customer, and can be ignored by everyone else.

Set medical claims to institutional when using medical insurance:  Set the default Claim Type to 'institutional' when a medical Claim is created.

Show Payment Numbers in Account Module: This is needed for Foreign Countries and in Canada.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033