Credit Cards  

Credit card processing is integrated into the Payment window.   There are many companies that offer this service as a standalone solution.  We have integrated with two companies:



Either of these can be turned on from the Payment window by clicking on the corresponding button at the upper right.  Right click on the button if it is already enabled.  Settings can also be accessed from the Program Links

Manage Credit Cards
In the Account module, click the Credit Card Manage button on the Main tab to show the list of credit cards for the currently selected patient.

The order of credit cards in the list determines the order in the Credit Card dropdown on the Payment window.  To rearrange the list, click Up or Down. 

To move credit card information to a different patient account, click on the credit card, then click Move to Pat.  On the verification message, click OK, then select the new patient account.

Add / Edit a Credit Card
Click the Add button within the Credit Card Manage window to add a new credit card or double click on an existing card in the list in order to edit or card information and setup Recurring Charges.

If the Address and Zip are left blank then the address on file within the Patient Information will be used. The add button will work differently when using X-Charge with the token feature enabled. See the Token section on the X-Charge page on steps to start using tokens.

Authorized Recurring Charges
The Authorized Recurring Charges section will only show when X-Charge is enabled.  This area must be filled out to add this card to the list of Recurring Charges.

Payment Plan: To apply this recurring charge to a Payment Plan, click the dropdown and select it. The charge will show in the Recurring Charges list as long as the the payment plan has a Due Now fee that exceeds the Charge Amount.

Charge Amount: Enter the approved monthly charge to apply to the credit card. This field is required.

Date Start: The day the charge is scheduled for processing. The credit card will show in the Recurring Charges list each month, based on the day set in this field. This field is required. If you do not run billing daily, we recommend choosing a standard day, such as the 1st or 15th of every month, then run the recurring charges tool every month on this day.

Date Stop: If you know the date when the recurring charge should end, enter it. Leave it blank if the amount should be charged indefinitely.

Note: Enter any notes specific to the charge.


Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432