Edit Patient Information


Edit Patient Information  

Patient information is entered on the Edit Patient Information window, and always visible in the Patient Information area of Family and Chart modules. To access this window, double click in the Patient Information area, or click Add Pt on the Select Patient window.

Enter all patient information. When done, click OK. Any errors must be fixed before you will be allowed to save the changes. Errors are indicated with a red exclamation point.

Patient Number: This number is assigned automatically by the system and shown here for reference. Numbers are assigned sequentially and there is no way to "fill in" gaps. Gaps can occur when a database split is performed, or when patients are "deleted." To find out how many patients you have, use a Query.

Name Information: Enter all name information in the upper left. For easy reference, the Preferred Name will show before the first name in most areas of EZ2000 Plus Dental. The Salutation is not used anywhere, but can be useful for offices that use Letter Merge.

Status: The statuses are as follows:
  - Patient: This is the default.
  - NonPatient: Someone who is not a patient, e.g. the parent of a child, a guarantor, or an insurance subscriber.
  - Inactive: Patient who is no longer active. Will still show in Select Patient window.
  - Archived: Patient who is not coming back. Will not show in Select Patient window, so might accidentally end up with a duplicate chart some day.
  - Deceased: A deceased patient. Consider zeroing out the account at the same time if you do not wish to collect amounts due.
  - Prospective: Someone who has never been in before, but might become a patient. This status can be automated in Operatory Setup.
  - Deleted: A hidden status that the user will never see. The patient will no longer show anywhere in the program and the integrity of the database is maintained.

Gender: The gender "Unknown" is only for HIPAA compliance in case a patient does not wish you to record or track their gender.

Position: Marital status of the patient.

Guardians: See Guardians.

Birthdate/Age: Enter the birth date. The age will automatically calculate when you leave the field.

SS#: Social Security Number.  Dashes are automatically added.

Medicaid ID: This field is only visible when Medicaid is turned on in Show Features. If entered here, also enter the number in the Insurance Plan as the Subscriber ID.

E-mail: Enter the patient's email address. A complete and valid e-mail is required to send E-mails.

Chart Number: Optional, but not recommended unless you have to. Useful when you need a place to enter patient ID numbers if you converted from another program, or if you put numbers on your paper charts. Click Auto to assign the next available numeric chart number to the patient. It will not work for mixed letters and numbers. The only place the chart number will show is in the Family module.

Ask to Arrive Early: Enter the number of minutes early the patient should arrive for Appointments. If a value is entered, a reminder message, with requested arrival time, will appear each time an appointment is made for this patient. The time requested will also appear on the Edit Appointment window in the Time Asked to Arrive field.

Wireless/Work Phone: Phone numbers automatically format as you type.

Text OK: Select whether the patient accepts text messages. Text Messaging in EZ2000 Plus Dental works with CallFire. Yes enables text messaging, No disables text messaging, ?? indicates that the answer is unknown. The behavior of ?? can be set in Family Module Setup.

Prefer Contact/Confirm/Recall Method: Select how the patient prefers to be contacted in general, for Confirmations, and for Recalls. The options set here determine the default methods used.

Trophy Folder: Only visible when using the enhanced Trophy bridge.

Language: Customize patient language options in Misc Setup.

Clinic: This option is only visible if Clinics is enabled in Show Features.

Ward, Admit Date: Only visible when Hospitals is turned on in Show Features.

Address and Phone
Contains all the fields that are normally the same for an entire family.

Same for entire family: This box is normally checked so that when information in this area changes for one family member, the information changes for all family members. This checkbox is not a database field.  It compares the existing values of all family members and applies any changes to all members so they match.  If you uncheck the box, you must make a change for the setting to be saved.  When unchecked, changes only apply to the selected patient, and family members will have different values. If, at a later date, you check the box, changes will be applied to all family members.

City/State/Zip: Enter the Zip Code, and the City and State fields will fill in automatically. To speed up data entry, click the dropdown to select from frequently used zip codes. Or, click Edit Zip to associate cities and states with zip codes, and add to them to the master list.

Credit Type: A one letter code that your office can use to track credit worthiness of patients based on credit reports, history of payment, or whatever criteria you prefer. These letters are simply for your information and are not used internally. One method is using A, B, or C. If their credit is unknown, you can use a 0. The letter displays prominently in the Appointments module at the upper left of each appointment, and in other places throughout the program.

Billing Type: Options can be customized in Definitions, Billing Types.

Primary Provider: Select the Provider who will usually see the patient. By default, the provider set as the default for the Practice is selected.

Secondary Provider: Select the patient's secondary Provider, often the hygienist.

Fee Schedule (rarely used): Usually select none, though this is useful for discount (cash only) fee schedules.  For example, if the patient doesn't have insurance and is given a 10% discount for paying in cash, create a discount fee schedule (copy your office fees, then reduce the prices 10%).  Select that fee schedule here.  Procedures will then look at that fee instead of the provider's fees. 

Address and Phone Notes
Make notes about when to call a patient, which number the patient prefers, extra phone numbers, extensions, bad phone numbers, bad addresses, alternate addresses, etc. It can be longer than 4 lines, but only the first 4 lines will show in the Family module without scrolling. These notes also show in the Unscheduled list, Recall list, and Appointments module.

Same for entire family: Check this box to apply the note to all family members so you don't have to repeatedly type the same information. It works the same as the checkbox in the Address and Phone area (see above).  Before checking the box, we recommend checking notes for other family members so you don't accidentally overwrite another note.

Student Status if Dependent Over 19
Only used for insurance Claims.

Public Health
These options are only visible when Public Health is turned on in Show Features.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033