EZ 2000 Manual - Miscellaneous Setup

Miscellaneous Setup 

In Misc Setup, customize EZ2000 Plus Dental's main title text,  customize, change the theme, set refresh intervals, define Patient Language Options, enter Middle Tier server name and set task list defaults.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Miscellaneous.

Main Window Title:

  • Title Text: The text that shows at the very top left of the main window. Changing this text is useful when you use multiple databases so you can easily identify which database you are currently using.
  • Show ID in title bar: Show the patient number, chart number, or the patient's birthdate in the title bar.
  • Show Site: Show the Site in the title bar.  Used by Public Health.

Blue theme: Change the appearance of the toolbar, title bars, and grids to blue colors.

Process Signal Interval: The interval, in seconds, that EZ2000 Plus Dental will automatically refresh commonly used information, especially the appointment screen. See Refreshing Data.

Languages used by patients: Set up specific Patient Language Options which can then be assigned in the Patient Edit window.

Middle Tier: Server Name: Used for the Middle Tier.  It identifies which computer is running the middle tier. It also indicates the one and only computer name that has permission to execute Updates. This helps avoid unwanted updates when offices have multiple locations potentially running different versions of EZ2000 Plus Dental.

Task Lists:  Set Task Lists defaults.

  • Check for new user tasks on startup:  If the logged on user has new tasks, they will receive a message indicating how many when they start EZ2000 Plus Dental
  • Global - Always show Task List:  Task lists will show at the bottom or right of the screen in all modules so users aren't required to click Tasks in the Manage module. If checked, the Local Computer Default Settings will be enabled.
  • New/Viewed status tracked by individual user:  Allow users to independently mark tasks as viewed/not viewed without affecting others.  This is useful when tasks lists are used heavily.  If you prefer that new/viewed status be the same for everyone, leave the option unchecked. 
  • Show open tickets for user:  Use the Open Tickets tab.  See Task Lists.
  • Local Computer Default Settings:  These options are enabled when Global is checked. 
    - Don't show on this computer: Don't show task lists on this computer.
    - Dock Right:  Show task lists on the right side of the screen.  Enter an X Default value to set the default location of the vertical splitter
    - Dock Bottom:  Show the task lists across the bottom of the window.  Enter a Y Default value to set the default location of the horizontal splitter.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033