Public Health 

To turn on public health features, select Public Health in Show Features.  When enabled, the following features are available.

Patient Fields
Additional fields show in the Public Health area on the Patient Edit window:

Race/Ethnicity:  Options are currently hard coded.  Non-EHR users will see a selection box that combines race and ethnicity.  EHR users have two separate dropdowns for race and ethnicity, though they are combined when stored in the database.

County:  As you type a name, matching County names will appear in a dropdown for you to select.

Sites:  Click Pick to select a Site from the master list.  Sites have a table in the database, linked by a proper SiteNum key. 

Responsible Party:  A foreign key to another patient.  Click Pick to select a person, other than the patient or guarantor, who is the responsible party, or click X to remove a selection.  This is especially useful in nursing homes.

Treatment Plan
The Responsible Party field is also on the Treatment Plan Edit window.

Screening Features
Enter Public Health Screening data.  In the Main Menu, click Tools, Public Health Screening.

Two public health reports are available. Both are intended to be saved to text files and sent to a centralized office where it gets loaded into one larger table containing data from many locations.

Raw Screening Data:  All screening data reported as a single table, for a specific date range.

Raw Population Data:  A list of patients who have had treatment done, for a specific date range.