Public Health Screenings




Public Health Screenings

Use the public health screening tool to enter information about patients that are screened. To turn on public health features, select Public Health in Show Features

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Public Health Screening.

This is a list of all screening groups for the selected date range.  If you change the date range, click Refresh to update the list.

Typically a screening group is a classroom of children, but it can be as large as an entire school.  A group has the same date, screener, and location.  If you revisit the same school later, it is considered a separate group because it will have a different date. 

Click Add to add a group, or double click an existing group to edit.

Screening Group Edit

Group information is defined at the top.
- Date: The date the screening is taking place. 
- Descrip:  A description of the screening group.
- Screener: The screener name.
- Or Prov:  If a Provider is doing the screening, select their name. It will automatically populate the Screener field.
- County:  Select the County where the screening is occurring.
- School:  Select the Site of the screening.

Screenings:  Each individual that has been screened has their own row in the Screenings grid. 

To add screening information, click Add Item, or double click an existing row.

Entry is designed with speed and simplicity in mind.  All fields have 'unknown' as one of the choices so that you only need to enter the fields that are needed by your organization. You don't track the patient names at this point, although you can put the name in the Comments field.

For each individual, click the appropriate information.  The six checkboxes have three states: 
- checked = checkmark
- unchecked - blank
- indeterminate (unknown) = filled in

Click OK to save the information.  A new row will appear in the Screenings grid, and a new Edit Screening window will open for the next entry.  It will be filled in automatically with information from the previous individual.  Change information if needed, then repeat for each person.  When the screening is finished, click Cancel to close the Edit Screening window.

If the person needs treatment, consider entering them into the system as a regular patient and putting their patient ID number in the Comments section. There is no built-in method for automatically matching a screening patient with a regular patient.

See Raw Screening Data.