EZ 2000 Manual - Clinics


The Clinics feature is often used when you have multiple locations. To turn on Clinics, in the Main Menu click Setup, Show Features, then check the Clinics box.

Set Up Clinics
In the Main Menu, click Lists, Clinics.

Click Add, or double click an existing clinic to edit information.

Clinic Description:  The identifying name.

Phone, Fax, Address:  This address will be used for Claims assigned to this clinic. If you don't use clinics, the address put on insurance Claims is set in Practice setup.

Bank Account Number:

Default Proc Place of Service:  The default place of service to assign to Procedures (Misc tab) for this clinic.  Usually for Public Health only.  This will give you accurate reports about the exact clinic and place of service where each procedure was performed, which is useful for clinics that are mobile vans or nursing homes. If using mobile vans, you can also use patient Sites to track schools or community locations where a service was performed.

Default Insurance Billing Dentist:  The default billing Provider for this clinic's Claims.  You can also change the billing provider when the claim is created.
- Default Practice Provider: Set in Practice Setup.
- Treating Provider: See Claims.
- Specific Providers: Click the dropdown to select from all providers that are set up.

If one provider is roaming between multiple clinics, because of E-claims, it's best to set up a separate provider for each clinic. Starting with version 11.1, it is safe to let one provider roam between multiple clinics as long as the reporting consequences are considered (see below).  When setting up separate providers for each provider/clinic combination, use a naming convention for the provider abbreviation so you can easily see which clinic the provider belongs to. 

Clinic Email Address:  Click [...] to pick the clinic's E-mail address.

See also Multiple Locations support.

Assigning Clinics
Clinics can be attached to Patients, Payments, Claim Payments, Deposit Slips, Procedures, Appointments, Operatories, and Claims

Patients:  It is very important that all Patients have a clinic assigned.  The most important table associated with clinics is the patient table.  Each Payment and Claim Payment defaults to the clinic assigned to the Patient. If any patients do not have a clinic assigned, then Payments and Adjustments will default to the wrong clinic. Most objects will be assigned based on the appointment/operatory (see below), but patient payments and adjustments will not.  It's easy to change, but important to be aware of.  

New Patients:  When a new patient is added, the clinic set for the logged-on User will be assigned to the new patient by default. When a patient is added to an existing family, the clinic of the family is used instead.
- Prior to Version 12.1, there was no way to set default clinics for new patients.
- Starting with Version 12.1, the administrator should go to Setup, Security and assign each User a default clinic. 

Clinics for new patients will not be set during HL7 import from eCW.  Clinics may also not be set if Open Dental was used initially without the Clinic feature turned on.  In this case, all patients from the first clinic will have a ClinicNum of zero, while all patients added recently will probably be assigned to one or more clinics. 

Deposit Slips:  At the end of the day, separate Deposit Slip can be printed for each clinic.

Operatories:  When you set a clinic to an Operatory, all Appointments scheduled in that operatory are automatically assigned to that clinic.  If an operatory has no default clinic, the appointments will be assigned the Patient's clinic. 

Appointments:  If an appointment is assigned a clinic, all procedures attached to the appointment are also automatically assigned that clinic.

Run the Database Maintenance tool to display any patients with no clinic assigned. You may need us to provide a small Conversion service for you in order to assign patients, procedures, payments, etc. with ClinicNum of zero to the correct clinic.

Financial Reports can be run by Provider or by Clinic, although some of the less-used reports do not have a clinic filter. 
- If you choose to run reports by provider, choose all providers for that clinic. 
- If, instead, you choose to run reports by clinic, only change the clinic selection, leaving the provider selection set to all. If you choose to run all reports by clinic, custom reports will be easier to write because there will be no need to supply a list of providers.

Open Dental has good support for sending E-claims from multiple clinics on one database.
1. Turn on Clinics in Show Features.
2. Make sure each Procedure is assigned to the correct clinic when it is completed.   To make it easier, assign clinics to specific Operatories, and place Appointments in those operatories so the correct clinic will be assigned by default.
3. When the Claim is created, it is automatically assigned a clinic based on the attached procedures, and this cannot be changed.  If the wrong clinic gets attached to a claim, delete the claim, change all the procedures, then recreate the claim. 
3. Send all claims for the clinic at once in the Manage module, Send Claims window (not the Edit Claim window). 
- Use the Clinic Filter to list only one clinic. 
- Click the Send Claims dropdown to select the Clearinghouse.
Each clinic will have a clearinghouse entry, and each clearinghouse entry will use a different clearinghouse account. It's a good idea to let the clearinghouse know you have different clinics with different addresses. 

This is known to work with ClaimConnect.  Also, see the discussion at the bottom of Eclaims Complexities regarding service address.

See also Multiple Locations support.